
141 results

Censorship 2.0: #MostCensored countries use digital and traditional tactics to silence media

CPJ released its report on the world’s 10 most censored countries on Tuesday. We found that repressive governments are using sophisticated digital censorship and surveillance alongside more traditional methods to silence independent media. Read more here. On July 4, the Cuban government issued Decree 370 that establishes the “informatization of society.” Article 68 bans “hosting…

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Demonstrators protest in front of the Justice Ministry in Brasilia calling for the release of former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and the arrest of Brazil's justice minister on June 10, 2019. The staff of 'The Intercept Brasil' received threats after publishing a report June 9 about the "Operation Car Wash" corruption investigation of Lula and other politicians. (AFP/Evaristo Sa)

‘Credible evidence’ to probe Saudi crown prince for Khashoggi’s murder, UN report finds

In Brazil, Glenn Greenwald, founder of The Intercept Brasil, and other staff received threats on email and social media following their publication of a series of stories based on anonymously leaked material about “Operation Car Wash,” the investigation into political corruption that has been ongoing since 2014. CPJ’s North America Researcher Avi Asher-Schapiro spoke with…

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Nigerian journalist Jones Abiri on the day of one of his court hearings in Abuja on August 2, 2018. (Chikezie Omeje)

Online attacks by lawmakers force journalists to leave Colombia

Nigerian journalist Jones Abiri has once again been arrested by Nigerian authorities. Abiri was charged under the country’s cybercrimes, anti-sabotage, and terrorism prevention acts, to which he pleaded not guilty. Abiri was previously held without trial from July 2016 to August 2018. Also in Nigeria, new accreditation requirements have the potential to restrict press access…

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Egyptian journalist Ahmed Gamal Ziada was charged with spreading false news on social media on February 13. (Gianluca Costantini)

In Egypt, New York Times correspondent expelled, local journalist detained on false news charges

New York Times correspondent David D. Kirkpatrick was denied entry into Egypt on Monday. His phone was confiscated and he was held in the airport for seven hours without food or water before authorities forced him onto a flight back to London without explanation. The move against Kirkpatrick comes after authorities detained a local journalist,…

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A general view shows people walking along a street in Galkayo on April 21, 2015. A radio reporter and photographer was killed in Galkayo on September 19, 2018. (Reuters/Feisal Omar)

Journalist dies in Puntland of injuries sustained in knife attack

Nairobi, September 21, 2018–Police in Puntland, a semi-autonomous region in Somalia, should rigorously investigate the killing of Abdirisak Said Osman, a reporter and photographer with the privately owned radio station Codka Nabada, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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CPJ Insider: July 2018 edition

CPJ announces 2018 International Press Freedom Award winners In a 2014 interview with CPJ, Vietnamese blogger Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh said, “I have a right to write. … If they want to arrest me, they can.” Three years later, they did. Vietnamese authorities convicted Quynh–known best by her penname, “Mother Mushroom”–on charges of “propagandizing against…

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CPJ Highlights: April edition

CPJ releases Attacks on the Press CPJ launched the 2017 edition of our annual publication Attacks on the Press at two events on April 25. The book, “The New Face of Censorship,” explores the evolution of censorship tactics into sophisticated tools used to control the flow of information around the world. Nearly 500 U.S. and…

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2015 prison census: 199 journalists jailed worldwide

As of December 1, 2015 Analysis: China, Egypt imprison record numbers of journalists Blog: None jailed in Americas | Blog: Q&A with Vietnam’s Ta Phong Tan

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News from the Committee to Protect Journalists, July 2014

CPJ conducts fact-finding mission in Ukraine Muzaffar Suleymanov, CPJ’s Europe and Central Asia Research Associate, traveled to Kiev on July 6 on a week-long fact-finding mission and spoke to more than a dozen local and international journalists about press freedom conditions in the country. Suleymanov also met with journalists who had covered or were covering…

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Attacks on the Press in 2013: Somalia

While the Somali government elected in 2012 attempted to gain more control and improve security, attacks on journalists continued. At least five reporters were attacked by militia groups loosely connected to the government, according to news reports. CPJ documented four journalists killed in direct relation to their work in Somalia, an improvement from 2012, which…

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