Europe & Central Asia


Years after Georgy Gongadze was killed, justice is still evasive. The journalist is seen here standing next to his wife, Myroslava, in a photo from 1995. (AP/Gongadze family)

Despite official comments, no progress in Gongadze case

More than 12 years after several police officers strangled and beheaded muckraking online reporter Georgy Gongadze in a forest outside Kiev, justice in the case is still evasive and riddled with, well, riddles.

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Irina Khalip has long been subjected to harassment. (Reuters/Vasily Fedosenko)

Belarusian authorities push Khalip to go into exile

New York, February 19, 2013–Belarusian authorities must stop harassing Irina Khalip and trying to force the prominent Novaya Gazeta reporter into exile, the Committee to Protect Journalists said in a statement today.On Monday, Aleksandr Kupchenya, head of the corrections department of the Minsk City Police Directorate, told Khalip that she should use the opportunity of…

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In message from Uzbek jail, journalist hints of abuse

News is rare from Uzbek prisons, where authorities are holding at least four independent reporters in retaliation for critical journalism: Muhammad Bekjanov, Yusuf Ruzimuradov, Dilmurod Saiid, and Salidzhon Abdurakhmanov. All four are serving lengthy sentences. Uzbek authorities refuse even to update CPJ or other human rights organizations on the journalists’ whereabouts, status, or well-being.

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Attacks on the Press in 2012: CPJ Risk List Video

CPJ’s Robert Mahoney identifies the 10 countries where press freedom suffered the most in 2012. They include Syria, the world’s deadliest country for the press; Russia, where repressive laws took effect; Brazil, where journalist murders soared; and Ethiopia, where terror laws are used to silence the press. (3:26)

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Attacks on the Press: A Frustrating Pursuit for Justice

Her son’s murder unsolved, Rimma Maksimova pursues a landmark case. By Elisabeth Witchel

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Attacks on the Press: Enjoying Spotlight, Shirking Accountability

Countries hosting the Olympics assume global obligations. What if they renege? By Nina Ognianova and Kristin Jones

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Attacks on the Press: Beyond Article 19

The right to news and opinion is enshrined in international law. It’s not enough. By Joel Simon

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Attacks on the Press: Misusing Terror Laws

Governments exploit national security laws to punish critical journalists. By Monica Campbell

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Attacks on the Press: A Moving Target

Your cellphone allows authorities to locate you and uncover your sources. By Danny O’Brien

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Attacks on the Press in 2012: The Year in Photos

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