

An Interview With Alex Redd

Liberian broadcast journalist Alex Redd became the focus of international attention late last year when he was kidnapped and tortured by state security forces for attempting to investigate and report on the murder of political opposition leader Samuel Dokie, his wife, and two family members. Upon release, Redd was arrested and tried for inciting the…

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CPJ and the World

Executive Director William A. Orme, Jr., who was interviewed on CNN International, Fox News “In Depth,” MSNBC “Online,” and numerous radio shows about Attacks on the Press in 1997, traveled to California for the April 6 launch of the book at a program at the Freedom Forum in San Francisco. He also addressed the regional conference…

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Article 19 at 50

“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” —Article 19, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

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Enemies of the Press: The 10 Worst Offenders of 1997

On May 3, in conjunction with World Press Freedom Day, CPJ announced its annual choices of the top 10 Enemies of the Press worldwide. Those who made the list this year, as in the past, earned the dubious distinction by exhibiting particular zeal for the ruthless suppression of journalists. For the second consecutive year, the…

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Dangerous Assignments: Spring 1998

CPJ, Turkish Press council meet with Yilmaz to encourage Reform Representatives of CPJ and the Press council of Turkey met with Prime Minister Mesut Yilmaz, urging him to fulfill his promise to reform the Turkish press laws, and to review the cases of 12 imprisoned reporters and editors the two groups say have been convicted…

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1998 Press Freedom Awards – Simon

Ruth Simon Correspondent, Agence France-Presse Imprisoned Journalist Ruth Simon, a correspondent for the news agency Agence France-Presse (AFP), has been in detention since April 25, 1997. Simon, an Eritrean citizen, was arrested after reporting that President Isaias Afewerki told participants at a seminar in Asmara that Eritrean soldiers were fighting alongside rebels in neighboring Sudan.…

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Attacks on the Press in 1997

Attacks on the Press in 1997 Introduction: Attacks on the Press in 1997 Imprisoned Index imprision country list Imprisoned Journalists confirmedright1.html Contributors: Attacks on the Press in 1997 Index: Attacks on the Press in 1997 Credits: Attacks on the Press in 1997-Credits Attacks on the Press in 1997 Attacks on the Press in 1997 Imprisoned…

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Archived Documents, 1997

CPJ News Alerts, 1997 Mexico: Killing of Journalist Condemned Indonesia: Ahmed Taufik accepts award Press Freedom Groups Condemn Algeria’s Silencing of Independent Press Algeria: Letter to the Embassy of Algeria 185 Journalists Imprisoned Worldwide Proceeds from Michael Bloomberg’s Book to Benefit CPJ Bosnia: Dayton Accords Broken Letter to Madeleine Albright Cambodian Journalists Threatened by Military…

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Press Freedom Under the Dragon: Special Report on Hong Kong

Six journalists–from Croatia, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Russia, Taiwan, and the United States–who have risked their freedom and their lives to report the news will receive the 1997 International Press Freedom Awards from the Committee to Protect Journalists. The recipients are Christine Anyanwu, imprisoned editor in chief of the independent Nigerian news weekly The Sunday Magazine;…

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Enemies of the Press 1997

The 10 Worst Offenders of 1997

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