
185 results arranged by date

President Hassan Rouhani arrives at the Iranian parliament in Tehran on August 28. The country's courts recently ordered at least seven journalists to be jailed for lengthy sentences and to be flogged for their coverage of a religious protest. (AFP/Atta Kenare)

Iran orders at least 7 journalists jailed and flogged over Dervish protest coverage

New York, August 31, 2018–The Committee to Protect Journalists today condemned the harsh sentences Iranian authorities imposed on at least seven journalists over their coverage of protests by a religious order.

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Ethiopian photojournalist Aziza Mohamed, pictured in Nairobi in 2014 with her colleagues, from left, Endalkachew Tesfaye and Endale Teshi, who both now live in the U.S. and Habtamu Seyoum, who is still waiting for resettlement. (CPJ/Nicole Schilit)

Ethiopian photojournalist shares experiences of going into exile

For World Refugee Day, exiled Ethiopian photojournalist Aziza Mohamed spoke with CPJ Journalist Assistance Program Coordinator Nicole Schilit about her experience of being a refugee and eventually being resettled in the U.S. [This transcript of Aziza’s comments has been edited for length and clarity.]

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Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev arrives in Brussels in November 2017. Azerbaijan has continued to harass and censor its press ahead of snap elections scheduled for April 11. (AP/Olivier Matthys/File)

Azerbaijan goes to the polls amid muzzled media and blocked websites

When it comes to silencing critics, Azerbaijani authorities have been industrious and methodical. Ahead of snap presidential elections scheduled for April 11, potential opposition candidates have been either jailed or barred from running, and the political landscape has been cleansed of virtually all formal avenues of expressing dissent.

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Can Dündar, pictured on April 7, 2017, in Berlin, is the former chief editor of the Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet and faces prosecution for his reporting. (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber)

Turkey issues new arrest warrant for Can Dündar, asks Interpol to do same

New York, April 2, 2018–The Committee to Protect Journalists today called on Turkish authorities to drop the politically motivated case against the exiled independent journalist Can Dündar, and allow him to do his work without fear of reprisal.

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A supporter of Gambia's President Adama Barrow waves an ECOWAS flag at his swearing-in ceremony in February 2017. An ECOWAS court ruling calls on Gambia to repeal its criminal libel and false news laws. (Reuters/Thierry Gouegnon)

ECOWAS court rules Gambia violated rights of journalists

New York, February 14, 2018–The Committee to Protect Journalists called on the Gambian government to act on a judgment passed today by the Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to immediately repeal its laws on criminal libel, sedition, and false news.

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Boryspil airport in Kiev in June 2017. An Uzbek journalist living in exile, who was detained at a Kiev airport on September 20, could face extradition. (AFP/Sergei Supinsky)

Uzbek journalist detained in Ukraine at risk of extradition

New York, September 27, 2017–The Committee to Protect Journalists today called on Ukrainian authorities to release Uzbek journalist Narzullo Okhunjonov. The journalist could face extradition to Uzbekistan, his lawyer, Aleksei Fyodorov, said.

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Russian journalist Yulia Latynina, pictured center in 2009 with other Novaya Gazeta journalists, is in hiding after a series of attacks on her home. (AP/Alexander Zemlianichenko)

Independent journalist Yulia Latynina flees Russia following attacks

New York, September 11, 2017–Russian journalist Yulia Latynina, who writes a column for the independent newspaper Novaya Gazeta and hosts a weekly radio show on Ekho Moskvy, has fled Russia after a series of attacks, according to local and international reports. In the latest incident on September 3, attackers set fire to the journalist’s car,…

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Egyptian photojournalist Mohammed Elshamy was forced to leave his home country for fear of arrest. Elshamy is showcasing his work as part of CPJ's Lens in Exile Instagram series. (Andrei Pungovschi)

Lens in Exile: CPJ Instagram takeover to put focus on photojournalists

To highlight the work of journalists living in exile, CPJ is collaborating with a group of photojournalists, who will take over our Instagram account to share their work, often from the very assignments that forced them to flee. As CPJ’s Journalist Assistance Program Coordinator and someone with a background in photography, it is project that…

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Can Dündar in Berlin, November 4, 2016 (Reuters/Axel Schmidt)

Turkish media in exile? Think again

Freedom is like air or water: something you appreciate only when it’s gone. Freedom for Turkish journalists was never as abundant as air or water–but nor was it ever as scarce as it has become in the last year.

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Pham Minh Hoang speaks to reporters in the Paris suburb of Le Kremlin-Bicetre, June 25, 2017. (AFP/Jacques Demarthon)

Vietnamese blogger stripped of citizenship, deported

New York, June 26, 2017–Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang should restore blogger Pham Minh Hoang’s citizenship and should allow him to reside and work freely in the country, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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