
2002 results

CPJ condemns harassment, bomb threat against Iranian American journalist Negar Mortazavi

New York, October 20, 2022 — In response to news reports that the University of Chicago received an anonymous bomb threat on Tuesday for hosting an event featuring Iranian American journalist Negar Mortazavi, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued the following statement:    “The bomb threat against journalist Negar Mortazavi was a crude attempt at censorship….

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Names of journalists arrested in Iran’s anti-state protests

When mass protests swept Iran following the death in morality-police custody of a 22-year-old woman, Mahsa Amini, CPJ began documenting the names of journalists arrested during the uprising. The crackdown led to Iran’s designation as the world’s worst jailer of journalists in CPJ’s 2022 prison census. The list published here includes names based on information…

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Iran protests: At least 28 journalists arrested amid nationwide anti-government protests

As of Thursday, CPJ has documented the arrests of at least 28 journalists in Iran during nationwide protests over the September 16 death in custody of 22-year old Mahsa Amini. Earlier in the week, CPJ called on Iranian authorities to end their crackdown on journalists and release all those arrested for covering the protests. CPJ…

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CPJ’s Yeganeh Rezaian on mass protests and journalist arrests in Iran

When mass protests erupted in Iran more than a week ago, the government cracked down hard. While clashes between security forces and demonstrators left many dead and disruptions to internet service made information hard to obtain, CPJ learned that security forces had arrested at least 28 journalists as of September 29. (Click here for CPJ’s…

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Kurdistan 24 reporter ‘wounded severely’ in Iran’s shelling in Iraqi Kurdistan

Beirut, September 28, 2022—Iran should immediately investigate whether journalists are being targeted by Iranian forces after a journalist in Iraqi Kurdistan was injured during Iranian strikes on the region, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Wednesday. On Wednesday, September 28, 2022, Soran Kamaran, a correspondent for the Kurdistan 24 broadcaster owned by Kurdish Prime Minister…

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Iran arrests at least 20 journalists amid nationwide anti-government protests

Washington D.C., September 26, 2022—The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Iranian authorities to end their crackdown on journalists and release all arrested since the start of anti-government protests last week.  “Iranian authorities should be ashamed of themselves for orchestrating this brutal crackdown. They have proved their failure to grasp that suppressing dissenting voices only compounds dissent,”…

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#MahsaAmini: Iranian security forces step up arrests of journalists as anti-state protests spread

In Iran, at least 11 journalists were taken into custody this week as clashes between security forces and protesters have left many dead, CPJ has learned from reliable sources inside Iran. Details of those arrested are sparse amid a near-total internet blackout and reports of major disruptions to phone networks and social media networks. The…

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Iranian security forces step up arrests of journalists amid anti-state protests  

Editor’s note: This report was updated on September 29 to include news of additional arrests. See here for ongoing updates to the list of journalists arrested after that date. Washington, D.C., September 29, 2022—The Committee to Protect Journalists has called on Iranian authorities to immediately and unconditionally release all journalists arrested while covering mass protests around…

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Iranian photojournalist Yalda Moaiery arrested during anti-state protests 

Washington, D.C., September 20, 2022—Iranian authorities must immediately and unconditionally release journalist Yalda Moaiery, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Tuesday. On Monday, September 19, Iranian security forces arrested Moaiery, a prominent photojournalist, as she was covering anti-state protests on Hejab street in downtown Tehran, Iran’s capital, she said on Instagram Stories directly after her arrest. (CPJ reviewed her story…

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Iranian journalist Mansour Iranpour serving 1-year sentence in Kerman central prison

Washington, D.C., September 14, 2022 — Iranian authorities must release journalist Mansour Iranpour from prison immediately and should cease jailing members of the press for doing their jobs, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Wednesday.  On January 16, Judge Moslem Salari of Branch 2 of Jiroft city penal court in Iran’s central Kerman province convicted Iranpour on…

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