Syria / Middle East & North Africa

A picture taken on February 9, 2018 in the countryside of Idlib, where Syrian government forces are conducting a major offensive. (AFP/Stringer)

Airstrike injures Syrian media activist in northwestern Syria

Walid al-Rashed, a media activist for the Syrian pro-opposition Ma’arra Media Center, was seriously injured during an airstrike on February 7, 2018, in the northwestern Syrian city of Ma’arra al-Numan, 21 miles south of Idlib, according to news reports, the Syrian Journalists Association, and his employer.

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Civilians and members of the rescue organization, Syrian Civil Defense, run to the scene of an airstrike in Idlib province on January 3, 2018. An airstrike injured two Syrian journalists in the province on January 11. (AFP/Omar Haj Kadour)

Airstrike injures two Syrian reporters in southern Idlib

Abdulkadir al-Bakri, a correspondent for the pro-opposition Qasioun News Agency in the northwestern Syrian province of Idlib, and Abdulkadir al-Abdo, a reporter for pro-opposition Al-Jisr TV, were injured in a January 11, 2018 airstrike while covering clashes in the south of Idlib province, according to their employers and the Syrian Journalists’ Association.

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A Syrian militant group in Idlib is holding media activists Hossam Mahmoud and Amjed al-Maleh captive along with two other people taken at the same time. (SCM)

Syrian militia hold two media activists in Idlib

The Syrian militant group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham took captive two media activists, Hossam Mahmoud and Amjed al-Maleh, in the northwestern Syrian city of Idlib in December 2017, according to news reports, the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression, and the Syrian Journalists’ Association.

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A colleague of Iraqi reporter Shifa Gardi lights a candle at a vigil for her in the Rudaw TV office in Erbil. Iraq is the deadliest country for journalists in 2017. (AFP/Safin Hamed)

In absence of fresh military conflict, journalist killings decline again

At least 42 journalists were killed in the line of duty in 2017, representing the second consecutive decline from record highs early this decade. Fewer journalists died covering Middle East conflicts and the number of journalists murdered in reprisal for reporting eased, except in Mexico. A CPJ special report by Elana Beiser

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Members of the Popular Mobilisation Units pose with the Iraqi flag in Tal Afar. Authorities in Iraq and Syria who relied on militias to help fight Islamic State must now decide what to do with the groups. (AFP/Ahmad al-Rubaye)

Islamic State recedes but threats to journalists in Iraq and Syria remain

After three years of fighting in Iraq and Syria, the militant group Islamic State has been forced out of large swathes of territory. But local journalists and press freedom groups with whom CPJ spoke said that the defeat of Islamic State doesn’t necessarily mean that journalists will be any safer.

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Journalists and protesters hold placards outside an Istanbul court on October 31, 2017, calling for the release of jailed colleagues, including Turkish reporter Ahmet Şık. Turkey is the worst jailer of journalists in 2017. (AP/Lefteris Pitarakis)

Record number of journalists jailed as Turkey, China, Egypt pay scant price for repression

For the second year in a row, the number of journalists imprisoned for their work hit a historical high, as the U.S. and other Western powers failed to pressure the world’s worst jailers–Turkey, China, and Egypt–into improving the bleak climate for press freedom. A CPJ special report by Elana Beiser

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A vigil in Sliema, Malta, for Daphne Caruana Galizia, a critical blogger killed in a car bombing in October 2017. (AFP/Matthew Mirabelli)

Getting Away with Murder

CPJ’s 2017 Global Impunity Index spotlights countries where journalists are slain and the killers go free

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A fighter from Deir al-Zor military council which fights under the Syrian Democratic Forces holds the council's flag in the village of Abu Fas, Hasaka province, Syria September 9, 2017. Two reporters died in car bombing attacks on October 12 in Abu Fas. (Reuters/Rodi Said)

Two Kurdish reporters killed on duty by car bombings in eastern Syria

Beirut, October 16, 2017–Kurdish journalists Dilshan Ibash and Hawker Faisal Mohammed died from injuries sustained during October 12 suicide car bomb attacks that occurred in the eastern Syrian village of Abu Fas, where the two reporters were covering civilian displacement, according to their employer, Hawar News Agency, and the Syrian Journalists Association.

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A worker cleans a EU flag in Berlin on May 19, 2017. The EU parliament is due to vote on October 12 on a proposed review mechanism of surveillance tool exports. (AFP/John MacDougall)

Press at risk as EU-based companies export surveillance software to hostile regimes

In August, Danish Foreign Minister Anders Samuelsen told the daily newspaper Information that the government had authorized sales of online surveillance software to several Middle Eastern countries. While acknowledging the potential for human rights violations that could result from the use of these tools, the minister said that Denmark has an interest in the fight…

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Members of the Kurdish Security Forces, Asayish, distribute food for prisoners inside Derick central prison, in the east of Syrian Kurdish city of Qamishli on September 10, 2015. Asyish is holding Zagros TV reporter Barzan Liani at Navkour Jail in the village of Qamishli. (Reuters/Rodi Said)

Kurdish security forces detain local reporter, whereabouts unknown

New York, September 29, 2017-Kurdish security forces in northern Syria should immediately release Ibrahim Ali al-Suleiman, a local reporter for the independent Euphrates Post, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Members of Asayish, the security force for the defacto authorities of the Rojava region in northern Syria, on September 15 detained al-Suleiman at his…

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