Israel-Gaza War

Killed, injured, or missing

The Israel-Gaza war has taken a severe toll on journalists since Hamas launched its unprecedented attack against Israel on October 7 and Israel declared war on the militant Palestinian group, launching strikes on the blockaded Gaza Strip.

CPJ is investigating all reports of journalists and media workers killed, injured, or missing in the war, which has led to the deadliest month for journalists since CPJ began gathering data in 1992.

See the list here

Six months of loss and pain for Gaza journalists
In two feature reports marking six months of the Israel-Gaza war, emergency assistance providers talk about the grave hardships faced by Gaza journalists and those trying to help them, and veteran journalist Diaa Al-Kahlout describes 33 harrowing days in Israeli custody. (Photo: AFP)
Report on journalists killed in 2023:
The Israel-Gaza war brought journalist killings to a devastating high.
2023 prison census report
Israeli imprisonments spike as global number of jailed journalists remains near record high.
(Photo: AFP/Fadel Senna) (Photos-clockwise from top left: AP, Reuters, AFP, Reuters, Reuters)

PHOTOS: War takes unprecedented toll on journalists

Here are images of journalists working under extreme, heartbreaking, and sometimes fatal circumstances to cover the fighting.


Sources: CPJ casualties list, CPJ database

The high risks of reporting the war

Since the Israel-Gaza war began, journalists and media across the region have faced a hostile environment that has made reporting on the war exceptionally challenging.  

CPJ’s research to date has found many incidents of journalists being targeted while carrying out their work in Israel and the two Palestinian territories, Gaza and the West Bank. These include arrests, as well as assaults, threats, cyberattacks and censorship.

Read the story here

CPJ safety advisories

As we continue to monitor the war in Israel/Gaza, journalists who have questions about their safety and security can contact us [email protected].

For more information, read:

These are available in multiple languages, including Arabic.

Interactive map

Methodology: Read our FAQs
Source: Committee to Protect Journalists
Last update: June 12, 2024
Map by Geoff McGhee for CPJ

Deaths in Israel-Gaza Conflict
Killed in Israel-Gaza Conflict
Scroll to see complete list


How many journalists have died since the Israel-Gaza war began on October 7?

Dozens have died; see an updated list here.

How do these numbers compare to prior conflicts?

The Israel-Gaza war has claimed the lives of more journalists in three months than have ever been killed in a single country over an entire year.

From the start of the war in October 7 to December 31, 77 journalists and media workers were killed in connection with their work. In comparison, CPJ  documented 68 journalists and media workers killed around the world in the whole of 2022. (Read more about CPJ’s methodology here and here.)

Why are the numbers in your casualty report different from those in your annual database of journalists killed? 

Our priority is to update the casualty listings as soon as a journalist’s death is confirmed by at least two sources.  We then try to get more details about the circumstances of their deaths before we enter their names into our database. This means there is sometimes a time lag between the casualty report and the database. The casualty report contains the most up-to-date information.

Why are some causes of killings listed as “Israeli airstrikes” and others listed as “strikes”?

An airstrike is defined as an attack by military airplanes dropping bombs or other ordnance. In wartime, it’s not always immediately clear whether an attack was the result of an airstrike or ground-launched weapons. As the Israeli military controls the airspace over Israeli-Palestinian territory, CPJ lists cause of death as an Israeli airstrike when we have determined the source of the attack based on available information — typically from at least two independent sources. If we do not have this information, we initially describe the cause of death as a strike. If additional details — such as crater analysis showing the origin of the ordnance — become available, we’ll update our database accordingly. 

Could any of these deaths be considered war crimes?

Journalists are civilians and are protected by International Law. Deliberately targeting civilians constitutes a war crime. In May, the International Criminal Court announced it was applying for arrest warrants for Hamas and Israeli leaders on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity. To date, CPJ has determined that at least three journalists were directly targeted by Israeli forces in killings, which CPJ classifies as murders, and is still investigating10 other cases that indicate possible targeting.

In January, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered Israel to “take effective measures to prevent the destruction and ensure the preservation of evidence” of activities against Palestinians in Gaza that could be subject to prosecutions under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. According to human rights organizations, Israel has not complied with the order.

 How has Israel responded?

Israel Defense Forces’ (IDF) officials have repeatedly told media outlets that the army does not deliberately target journalists. They also told agencies in October that Israel cannot guarantee the safety of journalists.

On May 17, 2024, the IDF’s North America desk responded to CPJ’s request for comment on journalist casualties and whether the IDF had investigated any killings or taken any steps to minimize casualties and preserve evidence in accordance with the ICJ ruling in a statement saying that the IDF followed international law and took precautions to mitigate civilian harm.

“In response to Hamas’ barbaric attacks, the IDF is operating to dismantle Hamas military and administrative capabilities,” said the statement.  “The IDF takes all operationally feasible measures to mitigate harm to civilians including journalists. The IDF has never, and will never, deliberately target journalists. Given the ongoing exchanges of fire, remaining in an active combat zone has inherent risks.” 

How does CPJ define a journalist?

CPJ defines journalists as people who cover news or comment on public affairs through any medium — including in print, online, via broadcast media, or photographs and video. We take up cases involving staff journalists and freelancers. We do not include journalists if there is evidence that they were advocating or participating in violent acts or serving in a military capacity at the time of their deaths. 

CPJ is also documenting the deaths of media support workers in recognition of the vital role they play in news gathering. These include translators, drivers, guards, fixers, and administrative workers.