Haiti / Americas


CPJ: Press Freedom Reports 2000

An Archive of Special Reports from Around the World 2000-2004

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Attack against transmission plantforces radio stations off the air

New York, January 14, 2004—The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is disturbed by this week’s attack against a radio transmission plant in Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince. The attack, which forced eight radio stations and one television station off the air, came in the wake of violent street clashes between government supporters and opponents. According to local…

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Independent radio station attacked

New York, October 30, 2003— The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) condemns the Tuesday, October 28, gunfire attack on the offices of the independent station Radio Caraïbes, located in Port-au-Prince, Haiti’s capital. Caraïbes protested the attack by suspending newscasts on Wednesday. It plans to resume broadcast on Monday, November 3. At around 8:30 p.m. on…

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List of press freedom abuses documented by CPJ

Jean Léopold Dominique, Radio Haïti Inter KILLED April 3, 2000 Dominique, 69, the outspoken owner and director of the independent station Radio Haïti Inter, was shot dead by an unknown gunman who also killed the station’s security guard, Jean Claude Louissaint.

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Les autorités haïtiennes donnent leur consentement à examiner les dossiers du CPJ sur la liberté de la presse

Version française Port-au-Prince, August 15, 2003—Top officials of the government of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide have agreed to report to the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) on the status of judicial investigations into press freedom abuses documented by CPJ. The agreement came during a five-day visit to Haiti by members of a CPJ delegation, who met…

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Oficiais haitianos concordam em analisar casos de liberdade de imprensa apresentados pelo CPJ

Porto Príncipe, 15 de agosto de 2003 – Oficiais do alto escalão do governo do Presidente Jean-Bertrand Aristide concordaram em informar ao Comitê de Proteção aos Jornalistas (CPJ) sobre o andamento das investigações judiciais sobre abusos cometidos contra a liberdade de imprensa documentados pelo CPJ. A decisão foi obtida em um visita de cinco dias…

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Decision expected soon in Dominique murder case

New York, April 28, 2003—A court of appeals in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti’s capital, is expected to announce a decision soon concerning the recent indictments of six men charged with murdering prominent journalist Jean Leópold Dominique, according to court officials. On March 21, six men—all of whom have been imprisoned for more than two years in connection…

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Attacks on the Press 2002: Americas Analysis

Economic and political turmoil throughout Latin America in 2002 had profound implications for the region’s press. Sharp decreases in advertising revenue bankrupted many media outlets, while the failure to consolidate democratic reforms left the media vulnerable to legal and physical assault. Five journalists were killed in Latin America in 2002 for their work.

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Attacks on the Press 2002: Haiti

With President Jean-Bertrand Aristide under pressure qrom the international community and Haitian opposition groups to expedite political and economic reforms and to resolve a two-year-old electoral impasse that has stalled the flow of millions of dollars in aid, Haiti’s embattled press corps vigilantly reported the news despite political unrest and a deteriorating economy.

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Attacks on the Press 2002: United States

The U.S. government took aggressive measures in 2002 to shield some of its activities from press scrutiny. These steps not only reduced access for U.S. reporters but had a global ripple effect, with autocratic leaders citing U.S. government actions to justify repressive policies.

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