Chile / Americas


Chilean journalists injured, detained during student strike

New York, May 31, 2006—The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns Tuesday’s attacks by local police against six Chilean reporters covering clashes between security forces and high school students during a massive strike demanding reforms in Chile’s education laws. Nearly 600,000 high school students protested in Chile’s capital, Santiago, calling for a reduction in public transportation…

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CPJ Update

CPJ Update Committee to Protect JournalistsFebruary 17, 2006 CPJ’s Attacks on the Press released in four cities worldwide

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Radio reporter beaten by national police

New York, May 11, 2005—The Committee to Protect Journalists said today it was alarmed by reports that Chilean radio reporter Paola Briceño Verdina was beaten and improperly detained by national police agents after covering a student protest in Santiago last week. CPJ called on Chilean officials to investigate the attack and take action against those…

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MAY 4, 2005 Posted: May 17, 2005 Paola Briceño Verdina, Radio Bío-Bío HARASSED, ATTACKED Radio reporter Briceño Verdina was beaten and detained by national police agents after covering a student protest in Santiago. Local press reports said a large number of university students gathered in Santiago to protest a bill that would give private banks…

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Attacks on the Press 2004: Americas Analysis

Overview by Carlos Lauría Journalists throughout the Americas came under increased attack in 2004 for reporting on political corruption, drug trafficking, and organized crime. Although democratic rights have been expanding in the region, press freedom has not always improved as a result.

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Attacks on the Press 2004: Chile

Chile A protracted sex scandal that roiled Chile during 2004 highlighted the country’s restrictive legal framework for journalists, as well as public officials’ lack of tolerance for criticism in the media. In September 2003, businessman Claudio Spiniak was arrested and accused of leading a prostitution and pornography ring. Politicians, prominent businessmen, and a Roman Catholic…

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CPJ urges president to work toward elimination of desacato provisions

Your Excellency: The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned that a bill to repeal the crime of desacato (disrespect) has been languishing in Congress for more than a year. We urge you to use the power of your office to expedite the elimination of these anachronistic provisions.

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Vazquez Portal

Below is a list of Latin American journalists who have signed the petition to free Vázquez PortalLista de periodistas latinoamericanos que han firmado la petición para liberar a Vázquez Portal

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Defamation in Latin America: A CPJ Primer

Criminal defamation cases and news documented by CPJ

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Ataques y amenazas contra medios y periodistas, mientras la crisis política se intensifica

Nueva York, 17 de octubre del 2003–El Comité para la Protección de los Periodistas (CPJ, por sus siglas en inglés) está sumamente alarmado por los ataques y amenazas contra medios de prensa y periodistas esta semana durante las masivas protestas antigubernamentales que amenazan con derrocar al gobierno boliviano. El miércoles 15 de octubre, atacantes no…

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