


Reporter alleges beating by military personnel in Sinaloa

New York, August 8, 2008–With new allegations of the beating of a journalist by soldiers, the Mexican military must develop procedures to ensure that the press can cover its operations, said the Committee to Protect Journalists today.

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Report: Official ads boosted Kirchner’s campaign

According to a report released today by the nonprofit Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (Association for Civil Rights), or ADC, the Argentine government drastically increased its advertising budget in 2007, using public funds to reward friendly media, punish critical outlets, and promote the political campaign of current President Cristina Fernández who replaced her husband Néstor…

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CPJ Impact

August 2008News from the Committee to Protect Journalists

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UPDATED: Jailed Cuban journalist grows desperate

On July 18, Juan Carlos Herrera Acosta went on a hunger strike to demand better prison conditions. Three days later, he sewed his mouth shut to intensify his protest. This is not the first time that Herrera Acosta has self-mutilated in order to garner attention for his plight.

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In Colombia, CPJ rejects criminal defamation suit against Alfredo Molano

We issued the following statement today after learning that a criminal defamation suit had been brought against Colombian writer and journalist Alfredo Molano:”We are alarmed by the criminal defamation suit brought by a politically influential family against Alfredo Molano over a column in the daily El Espectador,” said Carlos Lauria, CPJ’s Americas senior program coordinator.…

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In Colombia, disguises heighten press risk

A couple of weeks ago, the Colombian government admitted that during a daring hostage rescue mission–code-named Operation Check–one of its soldiers had disguised himself as a member of the Red Cross. Then last week, Juan Manuel Santos, Colombia’s defense minister, divulged that two of the soldiers had taken on the mantle of journalists. One posed…

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CPJ concerned about health of imprisoned Cuban journalist on hunger strike

New York, July 30, 2008–The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned about the health of imprisoned Cuban journalist Juan Carlos Herrera Acosta, who has been on a hunger strike for 12 days to demand better prison conditions.

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Colombia admits impersonation of journalists in FARC rescue

July 29, 2008 Juan Manuel Santos Minister of Defense Carrera 54 No. 26-25 CAN Bogotá, Colombia Dear Mr. Santos: Following the successful July 2 hostage rescue operation that ended with the release of 15 captives held by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), we are writing to express our concern about the fact that…

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In Rio de Janeiro, armed men threaten photographers covering political campaign

New York, July 28, 2008–Armed and hooded men threatened three Brazilian photographers covering a weekend visit by Sen. Marcelo Crivella, a Rio de Janeiro mayoral candidate, to a poor city neighborhood. The Committee to Protect Journalists today called on Brazilian authorities to ensure that journalists covering sensitive issues such as drug trafficking and organized crime…

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Panama: Columnist barred from leaving the country

New York, July 28, 2008–A Panamanian judge barred sports columnist Bienvenido Brown from leaving the country and ordered him to stand trial on criminal defamation charges filed in 2005. Eleventh Criminal Court Judge Josefina Sclopis issued the ruling on Friday against Brown, a columnist with the daily La Estrella de Panamá, the newspaper reported. The…

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