


Gunshots fired at home of radio reporter

JULY 27, 2008 Posted August 6, 2008 Edín Rodelmiro Maas Bol, Radio Punto ATTACKED Unidentified individuals fired gunshots at the home of journalist Edín Rodelmiro Maas Bol moments after he had entered the house in Cobán, Alta Verapaz province, the reporter told CPJ.

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Critical journalist’s home set on fire in the northern Amazon region

New York, July 24, 2008–Unidentified individuals set fire to the home of critical journalist Jeso Carneiro on Sunday night in the northern city of Santarém. No one was injured but the house suffered considerable damage. The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Brazilian authorities to investigate the attack and provide the necessary protection to allow…

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Spanish authorities restart Haiti murder investigation

New York, July 16, 2008—The Committee to Protect Journalists is encouraged by the decision of Spanish authorities to reactivate the investigation into the 2004 murder of Antena 3 correspondent Ricardo Ortega, who was fatally shot in Haiti while covering the ouster of former President Jean Bertrand Aristide. As part of this process, CPJ European consultant…

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Government seizes two TV outlets and closes a radio station

New York, July 8, 2008–Ecuadoran government agents seized two private television stations early this morning and shuttered a critical radio station late Monday night. The Committee to Protect Journalists is alarmed by allegations that the actions were politically motivated. Members of the government’s Deposit Guarantee Agency (AGD), backed by dozens of police officers, seized the…

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Governo intervém em duas televisões e fecha uma estação de rádio

Nova York, 8 de julho de 2008–Agentes do governo equatoriano intervieram em duas estações privadas de televisão nesta manhã e fecharam uma estação de rádio crítica na noite de segunda-feira. O Comitê para a Proteção dos Jornalistas (CPJ) está preocupado com as acusações que sugerem que tais ações tiveram motivações políticas.

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CPJ urges U.S. probe in hate mail case

Dear Mr. Kappelhoff: The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned about a series of disturbing letters and notes written in a consistently personal, racist, and violent tone to Michelle Ferrier, a columnist with the Daytona Beach News-Journal in Florida and managing editor of MyTopiaCafe, aWeb site sponsored by the News-Journal.

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Journalist receives anonymous hate mail

JULY 1, 2008 Posted July 1, 2008 Michelle Ferrier, Daytona Beach News-Journal THREATENED Ferrier, a columnist with the Daytona Beach News-Journal in Florida and managing editor of MyTopiaCafe, aWeb site sponsored by the News-Journal, received a series of disturbing letters and notes written in a consistently personal, racist, and violent tone.

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Court asserts right to criticize public officials

New York, July 1, 2008–The Committee to Protect Journalists applauds the Argentine Supreme Court’s unanimous decision asserting that public officials should be held to a high level of scrutiny and overturning a civil judgment against a national daily that criticized a government agency. In a ruling that sets some of the clearest and broadest press…

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CPJ Impact

July 2008News from the Committee to Protect Journalists

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CPJ urges EU to hold Cuba accountable for press abuses

Dear Mr. Michel: In light of the European Union’s recent decision to lift 2003 diplomatic sanctions on Cuba, the Committee to Protect Journalists is writing to ensure that President Raúl Castro’s government will effectively improve human rights conditions on the island by unconditionally releasing all imprisoned journalists and by granting freedom of information and expression to all Cubans.

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