


Shots fired at radio station in Maracaibo

JULY 16, 2008 Posted August 27, 2008 Radio Marabina ATTACKED Unidentified individuals fired several gunshots at the offices of local Radio Marabina on the night of July 16 in Maracaibo, 439 miles (706 kilometers) west of Caracas, said the station’s director Sorcire Rodríguez. No one was injured.

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José Rubén Zamora in 2003. (Reuters)

Brutally attacked in Guatemala…again

Two days after being abducted and badly beaten in Guatemala, prominent journalist José Rubén Zamora was still in shock. “I can’t remember what happened, but I was drugged and left unconscious in a hospital in the outskirts of Guatemala City,” he told me on Saturday after he was released from the local hospital.His colleagues at…

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CPJ rejects Uribe’s call for probe of Coronell

New York, August 22, 2008–Colombian President Álvaro Uribe Vélez called for a criminal investigation of Daniel Coronell on Thursday, alleging that the journalist broke the law by not immediately disclosing a videotaped interview that allegedly links the administration to a bribery scandal. The Committee to Protect Journalists urged Colombian authorities today to dismiss Uribe’s request.

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CPJ concerned by Uribe comments in Colombia

We issued the following statement today in response to Colombian President Álvaro Uribe Vélez’ request for a criminal investigation of Colombian journalist Daniel Coronell for allegedly committing a crime by failing to disclose accusations in a videotaped interview that a former lawmaker was bribed in exchange for her vote to approve Uribe’s reelection. “We reject…

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CPJ alarmed by abduction of journalist in Guatemala

We issued the following statement today in response to Thursday’s abduction and subsequent release of Guatemalan journalist José Rubén Zamora, a 1995 recipient of CPJ’s International Press Freedom Award: “We are alarmed by the kidnapping and reported beating of José Rubén Zamora, president of the Guatemalan daily El Periodico. Zamora has previously been the victim…

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Military shuts down two radio stations in central Guárico province

VENEZUELA: New York, August 20, 2008—Military personnel and officials from the National Telecommunications Commission (Conatel) shut down two radio stations in the central Guárico province Monday night. The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned that the stations appear to have been singled out and subjected to disproportionate enforcement.

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Military shuts down two radio stations in central Guárico province

VENEZUELA: New York, August 20, 2008—Military personnel and officials from the National Telecommunications Commission (Conatel) shut down two radio stations in the central Guárico province Monday night. The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned that the stations appear to have been singled out and subjected to disproportionate enforcement.

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Cuban journalists continue to report from jail

Two articles on the labor exploitation of prisoners in Havana’s Güanajay Prison appeared over the weekend on the Miami-based news Web sites CubaNet and PayoLibre. The articles detailed the use of prisoners as free labor in a local shoe factory, and described the terrible conditions under which the 28 men work. Though not written by…

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Mexican journalists vs. security forces

While organized criminals and drug traffickers account for the bulk of attacks against Mexican journalists, CPJ has documented an increasing number of assaults committed by security forces. Just last week, this reality was brought into sharp focus with the accusation by a reporter that he had been roughed up by the military.

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Cameraman who covered crime shot dead

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: New York, August 8, 2008—Unidentified individuals shot and killed Dominican journalist Normando García Thursday evening in the city of Santiago, 102 miles (163 kilometers) north of the capital, Santo Domingo. The Committee to Protect Journalists is investigating whether García’s murder is linked to his journalistic work. At around 6:40 p.m., García, a cameraman…

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