


CPJ concerned by jail sentence against two U.S. reporters

New York, September 22, 2006—The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned that a U.S. District Court judge has imposed jail sentences against two San Francisco Chronicle reporters who refused to reveal the source or sources of secret grand jury testimony about alleged steroid use by professional athletes. The judge, ruling on Thursday, stayed the sentence…

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Video blogger ordered back to jail

New York, September 20, 2006 – The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned that a freelance video blogger has been ordered back to jail after losing an appeal in a U.S. federal court in San Francisco. Joshua Wolf spent 30 days in prison after refusing to turn over to a federal grand jury unaired videotape…

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Deadly News

By Mathew HansenHundreds of journalists have been killed over 15 years, many on the orders of government officials. Few cases are ever solved. In the Fall/Winter 2006 edition of Dangerous Assignments

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Reporter detained for two days

SEPTEMBER 15, 2005 Posted: September 22, 2006 Ahmed Rodríguez Albacia, Jóvenes sin censura DETAINED Rodríguez, an independent reporter for the news agency Jóvenes sin censura, was detained by police in Havana while reporting on the situation of a human rights activist. No charges were filed against Rodríguez, who was released on September 17.

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Documentary crew attacked by Mexico City police

SEPTEMBER 15, 2006 Posted: October 13, 2006 Miguel Angel Fuentes Cortina, Canal 6 de julio Juan Pablo Ramos Jiménez, Canal 6 de julio Mario Viveros Barragán, Canal 6 de julio ATTACKED A group of Mexico City police officers attacked Viveros, Ramos, and Fuentes, a documentary producer and two cameramen, while they were filming the violent…

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Guatemalan radio journalist shot dead inside his car

New York, September 12, 2006—Guatemalan radio reporter Eduardo Maas Bol was gunned down early Sunday morning inside his car on the outskirts of the central city of Cobán. The Committee to Protect Journalists is investigating whether Maas’ murder is connected to his work as a journalist. Maas, the Cobán correspondent for the Guatemala City-based Radio…

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TV station bombed, no injuries reported

SEPTEMBER 8, 2006 Posted October 5, 2006 Canal 7 ATTACKED Unidentified assailants flung two home-made bombs at the offices of Canal 7, a state-owned television station in the eastern city of Santa Cruz. No injuries were reported, and damage was limited.

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Assailants attack a reporter and two photographers

SEPTEMBER 5, 2006 Posted: September 21, 2006 Eugenia Cicero, PM Jaime Murrieta Briones, El Diario Aurelio Suárez Núñez, PM ATTACKED Reporter Cicero and photographer Suárez, of the Ciudad de Juárez-based daily PM, and Murrieta, a photographer for the local daily El Diario, were attacked while trying to photograph a group of at least 20 armed…

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U.S. blogger freed after 30 days in jail; case still looms

New York, September 1, 2006—The Committee to Protect Journalists is gratified that a federal appeals court in San Francisco has agreed to release a video blogger on bail while the journalist’s appeal is pending. Joshua Wolf spent 30 days in prison after refusing to turn over to a federal grand jury a videotape of a…

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CPJ Update

CPJ Update September 2006 News from the Committee to Protect Journalists

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