

CPJ’s Attacks on the Press in 1996 Provokes An Ethiopian Editor’s Anguished Plea

For Ethiopia’s beleaguered journalists, the release of CPJ’s Attacks on the Press in 1996 in March brought international attention to their extremely precarious plight. In response, Tamrat Bekele, editor of the Addis Tribune, wrote the following editorial,which appeared in his newspaper on the day of the book’s release:

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Spring 1997 Index

Internet Edition No. 53

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West Africa’s Independent Radio Broadcasters Targeted

Six months after the coup in Niger led by General Ibrahim Mainassara, during the July 1996 national elections, Radio Anfani managing director Gremah Boucar faced down numerous attempts by Mainassara’s military regime to force the station permanently off the air, including a one-month period where soldiers stormed and occupied the Anfani studios. Almost a year…

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Press Freedom Proves Elusive in Sierra Leone

The promise of a democratic society was fleeting in Sierra Leone, a country that ushered in an elected government under President Ahmed Tejan Kabbah in March 1996. After a grace period when newspapers began to be published, the state launched a campaign of intolerance against the print media, attempting to cow them into self-censorship or…

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Attacks on the Press in 1996

Attacks on the Press in 1996: Table of Contents CPJ News Alert Angola: Attacks on the Press in 1996 Botswana: Attacks on the Press in 1996 Central African Republic: Attacks on the Press in 1996 Cameroon: Attacks on the Press in 1996 ethiopia: Attacks on the Press in 1996 the gambia: Attacks on the Press…

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Archived Documents, 1996

CPJ News Alerts, 1996 Algeria: Arrest Of Newspaper Cartoonist Groups Urge Algerian Government to Release Political Cartoonist alg3.12.html Assassination of Algerian Radio Host Historic Verdict in Argentine Libel Case Journalists from India, Mexico, Palestinian Authority, Turkey To Receive Award Serbia / Montenegro: Chronology of events Balkans Press Freedom Mission Recent Attack on U.S Journalist in…

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U.S. State Department changes plans after reviewing CPJ’s Ethiopia report

U.S Secretary of State Warren Christopher.

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Solidarity works: Helping to clear the path to freedom.

Letters to CPJ CPJ comes to the aid of journalists who have been attacked, imprisoned, censored, or harassed. The Committee fights to get journalists out of jail and lets those who are being persecuted for their reporting know that CPJ and others are working on their behalf.

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Clampdown in Addis: Appendix III

The Ethiopian Media (As of August 1996) GOVERNMENT NEWSPAPERS National Newspapers 1. Addis Zemen–Amharic daily. Circulation 18,000.

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Clampdown in Addis: Appendix II

Attacks on the Press in Ethiopia 1992-1996 1992 December 7 Lucy Hannan, BBC, harassed Hannan, a correspondent for BBC, was briefly detained and threatened with expulsion by Ethiopian security officials at the airport in Addis Ababa. Hannan had gone to the airport to interview a U. S. military officer on his way to Somalia. She…

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