

Proposed Ugandan legislation seeks to criminalize ‘misuse of social media’

Nairobi, September 28, 2022 – The Committee to Protect Journalists on Wednesday called on Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni not to sign into law a bill that would undermine press freedom by criminalizing speech sent via computer on a broadly defined and vaguely worded range of grounds. On September 8, Uganda’s Parliament passed the Computer Misuse…

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DRC journalist Tatiana Osango sexually assaulted, two other journalists attacked by police in separate incident

Kinshasa, September 23, 2022 – Authorities of the Democratic Republic of Congo should thoroughly and transparently investigate and hold accountable those responsible for attacking three journalists — Tatiana Osango, Didier Kiku, and Trésor Bazola — in two separate incidents in September, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Friday. On September 15, supporters of opposition politician…

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Two Zimbabwean journalists denied entry to political rally, one attacked by security agent

Lusaka, September 21, 2022—Zimbabwean authorities should hold accountable the security agent who attacked journalist Ruvimbo Muchenje at a rally for opposition political party Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), and the CCC should ensure journalists are not unduly denied access to its public events or harassed for doing their job, the Committee to Protect Journalists said…

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Armed men in military uniforms raid Congolese broadcaster, beat technician, and seize equipment, forcing radio station off air

Kinshasa, September 21, 2022—Congolese authorities should thoroughly investigate and hold accountable those responsible for the attack on Radio Evangélique Butembo-Oicha, known as REBO, in North Kivu, and ensure the safety of all journalists in the country, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Wednesday. Around 9 p.m. on September 12, four armed men in uniforms resembling…

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South African journalist Karyn Maughan criminally charged over report on former President Zuma

Lusaka, September 20, 2022 – Former South African President Jacob Zuma and his legal team should immediately drop their private criminal prosecution against Karyn Maughan, a reporter with the privately owned News24 site, and allow the press to report on court proceedings without intimidation or fear of reprisal, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Tuesday….

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Ethiopian journalist Abay Zewdu remains detained after court grants bail

Nairobi, September 20, 2022 — Authorities in Ethiopia should immediately and unconditionally release Abay Zewdu, chief editor of privately owned satellite and YouTube-based broadcaster Amara Media Center (AMC), and cease detaining journalists without charge, the Committee to Protect Journalists said on Tuesday. At about 1:30 p.m. on September 10, security officers in civilian clothes and…

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Somaliland’s ministry of information imposes indefinite ban on CBA TV

Nairobi, September 16, 2022—The Committee to Protect Journalists on Friday called on authorities in the breakaway region of Somaliland to allow the privately owned CBA TV broadcaster to resume operations and to desist from using bans to silence the press. In a September 6 letter, the minister of information Suleyman Yusuf Ali, also known as…

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Armed men in military uniforms beat, threaten lives of Congolese journalists Parfait Katoto and Picard Luhavo

Kinshasa, September 16, 2022—Congolese authorities should conduct swift and transparent investigations into the attacks on journalists Parfait Katoto and Picard Luhavo in their homes, hold those responsible to account, and ensure the safety of journalists working across the country, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Friday. In separate incidents on September 6 and 7, armed…

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DRC journalist Richard Ngoyi arrested, briefly detained for filming blind adults, children begging

Kinshasa, September 15, 2022 – Authorities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo should cease arresting journalists for their work and ensure that all DRC media can work safely and free from harassment or the threat of prosecution, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Thursday. On the morning of September 8, Ngoyi, a reporter with…

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Chadian police beat journalist Aristide Djimaldé while covering protest

Dakar, September 14, 2022—Chadian authorities should thoroughly investigate the attack on Aristide Djimaldé by police, hold the responsible officers accountable, and ensure the safety of journalists covering protests in the country, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Wednesday. On September 3, police beat with whips Djimaldé, a reporter with the privately owned news website Alwihda…

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