Gambia / Africa


127 journalists in prison as of December 1, 2007

Detailed accounts of each imprisoned journalist.

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GAMBIA: Reporters released after paying heavy bail

UPDATEOCTOBER 4, 2007 Original Alert: September 13, 2007 Malick Jones, Gambia Radio and Television Services

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Gambian journalist still held despite receiving bail

New York, September 13, 2007—A prominent radio producer at the Gambia Radio and Television Services is still being held in jail despite being granted bail yesterday. Producer Malick Jones was charged with communicating to an unnamed foreign journalist sensitive information in violation of state security, a charge made under the Official Secret Act. Jones, along…

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In Gambia, government-held reporter sighted at hospital

New York, July 30, 2007— The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned by reports that a Gambian reporter, arrested a year ago and since held incommunicado without charge or trial by the government, was briefly admitted last week to Gambia’s main hospital in the capital, Banjul. “Chief” Ebrima B. Manneh, the State House correspondent for…

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In Gambia, harassment forces a reporter into hiding

New York, July 5, 2007—A freelance Gambian reporter went into hiding last week after being harassed by several individuals, including an executive of the pro-government daily and suspected security agents, about his alleged links to the regional press freedom group Media Foundation of West Africa (MFWA), according to the group and CPJ sources. Ghana-based MFWA…

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Journalists in Exile: Statistics

JOURNALISTS IN EXILE A STATISTICAL PROFILE July 2001 – June 2007 Total who went into exile in this period

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Journalists in Exile: 243 forced to leave their homelands since 2001

At least three journalists a month flee their home countries to escape threats of violence, imprisonment, or harassment.

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Journalists in Exile: 2007

At least three journalists a month flee their home countries to escape threats of violence, imprisonment, or harassment. By Elisabeth Witchel and Karen Phillips

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Gambia: Reporter for shuttered newspaper convicted over coup story

New York, June 6, 2007—A court in the capital, Banjul, on Tuesday fined a reporter for a now-banned newspaper in connection with a March 2006 story reporting the arrest of several suspects in the aftermath of a purported coup attempt, according to local journalists and news reports. Lamin Fatty of the private bi-weekly The Independent…

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Backsliders: The 10 countries where press freedom has most deteriorated

New York, May 2, 2007–Three nations in sub-Saharan Africa are among the places worldwide where press freedom has deteriorated the most over the last five years, a new analysis by the Committee to Protect Journalists has found. Ethiopia, where the government launched a massive crackdown on the private press by shutting newspapers and jailing editors,…

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