

Burundi journalists march on World Press Freedom Day. (Jean Pierre Aimé HARERIMANA)

Burundi government harassing independent broadcasters

New York, August 3, 2011–The government of Burundi President Pierre Nkurunziza is attempting to silence critical press coverage of his administration with incessant judicial harassment of two of the country’s leading independent broadcasters, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. 

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Ten years after the author reported the government's shutdown of the private press, Eritrea continues to imprison journalists swept up in the crackdown. Among them is Dawit Isaac, a Swedish-Eritrean national whose case has drawn wide attention. (Petra Jankov Picha)

Habeas corpus writ seeks Dawit Isaac, jailed for 3,600 days

Journalist Dawit Isaac, co-founder of Eritrea’s now-defunct leading newspaper Setit, has spent nearly 10 years in one of the reclusive Red Sea nation’s secret prisons with no charges ever placed against him. Isaac’s location and health status are currently unknown, as are those of at least 16 other journalists who CPJ believes are also being…

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Puntland frees jailed Somali journalist

New York, August 1, 2011–The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes the decision by authorities in Puntland, Somalia’s northeastern semiautonomous region, to set free reporter Faysal Mohamed Hassan on Sunday. Mohamed, who wrote for the private news site Hiiraan Online, was serving a prison sentence over a story claiming that two murdered men belonged to Puntland’s…

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RTS journalists protest on July 21. (Sud)

Journalists ‘rebel’ at Senegal’s state broadcaster

The Senegalese state-controlled radio and TV Corporation, Radio Télévision Sénégalaise (RTS), is experiencing an internal struggle for editorial freedom as Senegal moves toward a presidential election on February 26, 2012. 

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Guinean soldiers guard President Alpha Condé after a July 19 rocket attack. (AFP)

Guinean president must end media censorship

New York, July 28, 2011–Censorship of the press by the government of Guinean President Alpha Condé threatens the democratic strides made by the country in recent months, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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Guinea’s censorship order puts RFI in difficult spot

On Monday, Guinea’s state-controlled media regulatory agency imposed a “temporary” ban on media coverage of the July 19 attack on the private residence of President Alpha Condé, silencing private radio and television talk programs in which critical questions were being raised about the episode. In such circumstances, Guinean listeners turn to foreign media outlets such…

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Uganda illegally detains journalist without charge

New York, July 26, 2011–Security services in Uganda are in flagrant violation of a 48-hour constitutional limit on pretrial detention with their imprisonment of a journalist for 13 days without charge, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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Ivory Coast’s Ouattara must end persecution of journalists

Dear Secretary-General Ban: Ahead of your Wednesday meeting with new Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara, and given your express commitment to make press freedom a priority during your second term as United Nations Secretary-General, we call on you to urge President Ouattara to reinforce the rule of law, the impartiality of justice, and the promotion of national reconciliation by ending the persecution of journalists and media outlets that were favorable to former leader Laurent Gbagbo.

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Mohammed and Worku

Two Ethiopian journalists released on bail after 15 months

New York, July 25, 2011–The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes Thursday’s ruling in Ethiopia to release on bail two journalists imprisoned on pre-trial detention for the last 15 months on vague criminal charges.

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Ivory Coast charges TV presenter for Gbagbo-leaning show

New York, July 22, 2011–Authorities in Ivory Coast detained a journalist on Thursday for moderating a TV talk show favorable to ousted former ousted president Laurent Gbagbo, according to local journalists. 

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