Mezopotamya News Agency

50 results arranged by date

At least 9 journalists detained in Turkish city of Diyarbakır

Istanbul, June 8, 2022 – In response to multiple news reports that Turkish authorities detained several journalists in the southeastern city of Diyarbakır on Wednesday, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued the following statement of condemnation: “Turkish authorities’ arbitrary detention of at least nine journalists today marks another dark day for the press in the…

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Turkish journalist Dicle Müftüoğlu held for 3 days

On June 3, 2022, Turkish authorities in the southeastern city of Diyarbakır detained Dicle Müftüoğlu, an editor for the pro-Kurdish Mezopotamya News Agency, held her until June 6, and then released her with a ban preventing her from leaving the country, according to news reports and Müftüoğlu, who spoke to CPJ in a phone interview….

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Turkish court issues suspended prison term to journalist Nazan Sala

Istanbul, January 7, 2022 – Turkish authorities should vacate the suspended prison term issued to journalist Nazan Sala and stop harassing reporters for their work, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Yesterday, the Fifth Van Court of Serious Crimes convicted Sala, a freelance reporter, of making propaganda for a terrorist organization and issued her…

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Mob attacks journalists covering Istanbul protest and police beat, detain two reporters

On August 1, 2021 a mob in Istanbul attacked at least six journalists covering a march against the killing of seven members of a Turkish family of Kurdish origin, while also attacking the protesters, according to news reports. The police detained at least two journalists but none of the alleged attackers, the reports said. Derya…

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A raised hand holds a large ID card showing journalists in jail in place of a photo.

Turkish presidency reintroduces press card controls that court found restrictive

On April 1 this year, press freedom groups in Turkey chalked up a small win when the nation’s top administrative court, the Council of State, suspended 2018 rules that made it easier for the authorities to cancel or refuse press cards. The changes had transferred authority over press cards to the presidency and barred them…

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Turkish police harass, detain 2 journalists covering terrorism case

On April 26, 2021, police interrupted a press conference in Istanbul, Turkey, and detained two journalists, according to news reports and video of the detentions shared on social media. Police detained Muhammed Enes Sezgin, a reporter with the pro-Kurdish Mezopotamya News Agency, and Bilal Meyveci, a camera operator with the leftist pro-Kurdish website and TV…

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Turkish police arrest Mezopotamya News Agency journalist Mehmet Aslan

Istanbul, January 5, 2021 – Turkish authorities should immediately release journalist Mehmet Aslan and cease harassing staffers of the Mezopotamya News Agency, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.  Today, police in Istanbul arrested Aslan, a reporter for the pro-Kurdish Mezopotamya News Agency, after raiding his home, and then transferred him to the southern city…

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Turkish police raid Mezopotamya News Agency, detain journalist Dindar Karataş

Istanbul, November 24, 2020 – Turkish authorities should stop harassing journalists working at the Mezopotamya News Agency, immediately release reporter Dindar Karataş, and return any equipment confiscated from the outlet, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. This morning, police officers in the eastern city of Van arrested Karataş at his home, and then brought…

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Migrants and refugees are seen in Edirne, Turkey, on March 1, 2020. Several journalists have been detained while covering the refugees' movements in Turkey. (Reuters/Huseyin Aldemir)

Journalists covering refugee movements in Turkey detained, jailed

Istanbul, March 2, 2020 — Turkish authorities should allow journalists to cover refugee movements and other important events of public interest without fear that they will be detained or imprisoned, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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A man films as police detain a protester during a demonstration in Istanbul against the replacement of Kurdish mayors with state officials in three cities, on August 20. CPJ spoke with six journalists about the challenges of reporting and covering news in Turkey. (AFP/Yasin Akgul)

In Turkey, reporting is a daily struggle

Turkey is notorious as a leading jailer of journalists worldwide, a fact that can overshadow the other problems for its press. Alongside the risk of arrest, journalists must contend with daily interference. From police denying reporters access to courtrooms, arbitrarily moving them on or forcing them to leave certain areas when they are reporting on…

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