Mattewos Habteab

17 results arranged by date


New York, August 2, 2002—During a recent fact-finding mission to Eritrea, a presidential official told a delegation from the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) that eight independent journalists are currently imprisoned and held incommunicado. Although the official, presidential spokesperson Yermane Gebremesken, cited eight journalists, CPJ puts the total number of journalists jailed in Eritrea at…

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Jailed journalists moved to undisclosed location

Your Excellency: The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is gravely concerned about the safety of 13 Eritrean journalists currently in the custody of your government. The journalists have not been charged with any crime since their September 2001 arrests. On March 31, 10 of the jailed journalists began a hunger strike to protest their unfair imprisonment. In a message smuggled out of Asmara Police Station One, where they are being detained, the journalists said they would refuse food until they were either released or charged and given a fair trial.

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Attacks on the Press 2001: Eritrea

ERITREA The Eritrean government banned the entire independent press last year, as part of a crackdown on political dissent in the tiny Red Sea nation. In early August, a dozen senior officials and other members of the ruling elite signed a public letter criticizing President Isaias Afeworki’s dictatorial rule. The letter followed a lengthy internal…

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Attacks on the Press 2001: Journalists in Prison

There were 118 journalists in prison around the world at the end of 2001 who were jailed for practicing their profession. The number is up significantly from the previous year, when 81 journalists were in jail, and represents a return to the level of 1998, when 118 were also imprisoned.

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Government tightens noose on independent press

Your Excellency: The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is deeply troubled by your government’s ongoing crackdown on the independent press in Eritrea. According to our research, all the country’s independent newspapers have now been shut down. Eleven journalists are currently jailed without charges, while the whereabouts of three others are unknown.

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Nine journalists arrested; two others flee as crackdown continues

New York, September 25, 2001—Eritrean security forces have arrested at least nine journalists over the last few days, sources in the capital, Asmara, told CPJ. The arrests came less than a week after authorities abruptly closed all privately owned newspapers, allegedly to safeguard national unity in the face of growing political turmoil in the tiny…

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Journalist abducted by security forces, many others still missing

The fate of a dozen journalists remains unclear. New York, August 6—The Committee to Protect Journalists is gravely concerned about the safety of Mattewos Habteab, editor-in-chief of the private Tigrigna-language MeQaleh newspaper, who sources believe is being forced to perform military work in retaliation for his critical journalism.

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