
120 results arranged by date

A Tanzanian shoe-shiner conducts his business underneath an election poster for then ruling party presidential candidate, and later president, John Magufuli, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, on October 27, 2015. On March 28, 2019, the East African Court of Justice found that multiple sections of Tanzania's Media Services Act restrict press freedom. (AP Photo/Khalfan Said)

East African court rules that Tanzania’s Media Services Act violates press freedom

Nairobi, March 28, 2019–The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomed a ruling today by the East African Court of Justice (EACJ) that multiple sections of Tanzania’s Media Services Act restrict press freedom and freedom of expression, and called on the Tanzanian government to repeal the act.

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CPJ calls on Maldives to empower commission on enforced disappearances and murders

CPJ writes to the speaker of the People’s Majlis, asking him to strengthen press freedom in the Maldives and commit to pursuing justice and ending impunity by calling for a vote on a bill to grant investigative powers to the presidential commission on enforced disappearances and murders.

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This screenshot of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs' website shows how the government labels critical reports as 'fake news.'

Russia advances legislation on ‘fake news’ and ‘disrespecting authorities’

New York, March 7, 2019–The Committee to Protect Journalist today called on Russia to drop proposed legislation advanced in the country’s parliament that would allow courts to jail and fine people who use the internet to spread “fake news” or disrespect government officials and state symbols, including President Vladimir Putin. The bills would also allow…

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A general view shows the State Duma, the lower house of parliament, in Moscow, Russia in January 2017. A committee in Russia's Duma today approved legislation that would allow labeling individual journalists as foreign agents. (Reuters/Maxim Shemetov)

Russian Duma committee OKs legislation to label individual journalists ‘foreign agents’

New York, July 3, 2018–The Committee to Protect Journalists today called on Russian authorities to refrain from labeling individual bloggers and journalists as foreign agents. The State Duma’s information and communication committee today approved legislation that would allow authorities to label private persons as foreign agents if they work for organizations the Justice Ministry labels…

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Guards attend a flag-raising ceremony at Taipei's Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall in March 2018. Taiwan's parliament is considering a draft bill to penalize 'fake news.' (Reuters/Tyrone Siu)

Taiwanese lawmakers propose criminalizing spread of fake news

Taipei, June 13, 2018–The Committee to Protect Journalists today called on Taiwan’s parliament, known as the Legislative Yuan, to reject a proposed amendment that would make spreading fake news punishable by imprisonment or a fine.

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Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko gives a speech in Minsk on May 24, 2018. CPJ called on the Belarusian parliament to reject proposed laws that could further censor the media in the country. (AFP/Sergei Gapon)

Belarus moves to prosecute ‘fake news,’ control the Internet

Kiev, June 8, 2018–The Committee to Protect Journalists today called on the Belarusian parliament to reject proposed laws that could further censor the media in the country. The Prosecutor General’s Office is drafting a bill on “fake news,” and the lower house of parliament separately is considering amendments to the media law.

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Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta inspects an honor guard in Nairobi on May 2, 2018. CPJ calls on Kenyatta not to sign a cybercrime bill passed by Parliament. (Reuters/Thomas Mukoya)

Kenyan president should not sign cybercrime bill into law

Nairobi, May 10, 2018 — The Committee to Protect Journalists today called on Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta not to sign into law a cybercrimes bill that was recently passed by the National Assembly because it will stifle press freedom.

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A mural at the Facebook office in Berlin. A new law in Germany requires Facebook and other large social media platforms to quickly delete posts reported as inappropriate. (Reuters/Stefanie Loos)

As German hate speech law sinks Titanic’s Twitter post, critics warn new powers go too far

The satirical magazine Titanic appears to have been an unlikely victim of Germany’s recently adopted online anti-hate speech law, NetzDG. “We were truly surprised,” the magazine’s editor-in-chief Tim Wolff told CPJ, as he explained how Twitter blocked the Titanic account for 48 hours after the magazine republished a post Twitter had deleted, in which Titanic…

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Draft legislation on access to information in Canada, proposed by Member of Parliament Scott Brison, second from left, is inadequate, a group of press freedom organizations said in a letter to Brison today. (AP/Cliff Owen)

Canada’s proposed reform of access to information is inadequate

The Committee to Protect Journalists, along with a coalition of more than 30 international and Canadian civil society organizations, sent a letter on September 28 to Canadian Member of Parliament Scott Brison, the president of the Treasury Board of Canada, calling for proposed access to information legislation to be replaced with a more robust reform.

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CPJ concerned about proposed media controls in Thailand

CPJ urges Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha to reject new legislation increasing government control over the media, and to repeal previous decrees expanding state control of the media.

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