
2002 results

Committee sees sharp rise in jailed journalists

The Associated Press ran a story about CPJ’s 2010 prison census on December 8 along with several other media outlets around the world.  CPJ’s analysis concludes Iran’s sustained crackdown on critical voices and China’s brutal suppression of ethnic journalism have pushed the number of journalists imprisoned worldwide to its highest level since 1996. Click here…

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Internet Blotter

Venezuela prepares law to regulate media, including the Internet. Iranian blogger Hossein Derakhshan briefly released from jail on $1.5 million bail… …but fellow Iranian-Canadian anti-censorship software designer Saeed Malekpour still faces death penalty. Syrian telecom minister says awareness of the dangers, not censorship of the Internet is the solution.

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2010 prison census: 145 journalists jailed worldwide

As of December 1, 2010    |   » Read the accompanying report: “IRAN, CHINA DRIVE PRISON TALLY TO 14-YEAR HIGH”

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Video: Shining Light on a Dark Prison Cell

In this video companion to CPJ’s 2010 census of imprisoned journalists, Sri Lankan columnist J.S. Tissainayagam describes his own time in prison and how international advocacy can make a difference in winning the freedom of jailed reporters, editors, photojournalists, and bloggers. (4:09) Read the special report “Iran, China drive prison tally to 14-year high” and…

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Five of 17 journalists released from Cuban prisons give a press conference on their arrival in Madrid in July. They have since told CPJ they suffered torture in jail. (AP/Paul White)

With 145 journalists behind bars, what’s in a number?

Today we released our annual census of imprisoned journalists around the world, citing 145 reporters, editors, and photojournalists behind bars on December 1, an increase of nine from 2009 figures. The tally begs the question, What’s in a number?

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2010 Map

d6d6d6 ffffff no zoom ffffff 16 ffffff 990000 China: 3439,110/imprisoned/images/text.swf?n=CN: 34&c=FF000098.7563556583431javascript:showme(‘#china’); Iran: 3432.43561304116276,75/imprisoned/images/text.swf?n=IR: 34&c=FF000098.7563556583431javascript:showme(‘#iran’); Cuba: 421.521757,-77.781167/imprisoned/images/text.swf?n=CU: 4&c=73000050.298221281347javascript:showme(‘#cuba’); Eritrea: 173,40/imprisoned/images/text.swf?n=ER: 17&c=F5000077.1536192416212javascript:showme(‘#eritrea’); Azerbaijan: 155,46/imprisoned/images/text.swf?n=AZ: 1&c=55000037.6491106406735javascript:showme(‘#azerbaijan’); Burma: 1316,107/imprisoned/images/text.swf?n=BU: 13&c=CD000070.6070170039655javascript:showme(‘#burma’); Uzbekistan: 660,62/imprisoned/images/text.swf?n=UZ: 6&c=87000055.9838667696593javascript:showme(‘#uzbekistan’); Ethiopia: 4-14,40.489/imprisoned/images/text.swf?n=ET: 4&c=73000050.298221281347javascript:showme(‘#ethiopia’); Egypt: 123.5,23/imprisoned/images/text.swf?n=EG: 1&c=55000037.6491106406735javascript:showme(‘#egypt’); Turkey: 444,21/imprisoned/images/text.swf?n=TR: 4&c=73000050.298221281347javascript:showme(‘#turkey’); Gambia: 111,-15.310/imprisoned/images/text.swf?n=GM: 1&c=55000037.6491106406735javascript:showme(‘#gambia’);   Iraq: 144,47/imprisoned/images/text.swf?n=IQ: 1&c=55000037.6491106406735javascript:showme(‘#iraq’); Russia: 161.52401,105.318756/imprisoned/images/text.swf?n=RU: 1&c=55000037.6491106406735javascript:showme(‘#russia’); Vietnam: 519.5,130/imprisoned/images/text.swf?n=VN: 5&c=7D000053.2842712474619javascript:showme(‘#vietnam’); Syria: 234.802075,35/imprisoned/images/text.swf?n=SY: 2&c=5F000042.8885438199983javascript:showme(‘#syria’); Saudi…

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CPJ Impact

News from the Committee to Protect Journalists, November 2010 CPJ honors journalists on the frontlines of press freedomJournalists at the forefront of the battle for press freedom in Ethiopia, Iran, Russia, and Venezuela were honored at the Committee to Protect Journalists’ 20th Annual International Press Freedom Awards benefit dinner, held on November 23. The awards dinner was…

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CPJ board member Kati Marton presents a 2010 International Press Freedom Award to Nadira Isayeva. (Getty/Michael Nagle)

Journalists on the frontlines of press freedom honored

New York, November 24, 2010–Outstanding journalists at the forefront of the battle for press freedom in Ethiopia, Iran, Russia, and Venezuela were honored Tuesday evening at the Committee to Protect Journalists’ 20th Annual International Press Freedom Awards benefit dinner.

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CPJ International Press Freedom Awards 2010

20th Annual Ceremony and Dinner To benefit the Committee to Protect Journalists Tuesday, November 23, 2010 Grand Ballroom The Waldorf-Astoria New York City We would like to thank all of our supporters and dinner chairman Sir Howard Stringer for a record-setting awards dinner that raised over $1.5 million, allowing CPJ to continue at the forefront…

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Nadira Isayeva Award Acceptance Speech

Nadira Isayeva Chernovik, Russia  Acceptance Speech CPJ 2010 International Press Freedom Awards Dinner November 23, 2010 Waldorf Astoria, New York   Respected Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Colleagues! I come from the southern republic of Dagestan, which is part of the Russian Federation. Young Dagestanis who arrive in Moscow looking for a job sometimes hear this…

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