Algeria / Middle East & North Africa


Algerian authorities sentence journalist Ihsane el-Kadi to 5 years in prison, dissolve outlets Radio M and Maghreb Emergent

New York, April 3, 2023 – In response to news reports that an Algerian court sentenced journalist Ihsane el-Kadi to five years in prison on Sunday and dissolved the local independent broadcaster Radio M and news website Maghreb Emergent, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued the following statement of condemnation: “An Algerian court’s decision to…

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Algerian journalist Mustapha Bendjama arrested

New York, February 8, 2023 – In response to news reports that Algerian police arrested journalist Mustapha Bendjama on Wednesday, February 8, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued the following statement: “The recent arrest of Algerian journalist and press freedom advocate Mustapha Bendjama from his place of work is shocking, and authorities must free him…

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Algerian authorities arrest journalist Ihsane el-Kadi, shutter outlets Radio M and Maghreb Emergent

New York, December 27, 2022 – Algerian authorities must immediately and unconditionally release journalist Ihsane el-Kadi and allow the local independent broadcaster Radio M and news website Maghreb Emergent to work freely, the Committee to Protect journalists said Tuesday. On December 24, plainclothes police officers arrested el-Kadi, editor-in-chief of both outlets, from his home in…

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CPJ submits reports on Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco to United Nations Universal Periodic Review

The human rights records of Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco are under review by the United Nations Human Rights Council through the Universal Periodic Review (UPR). This U.N. mechanism is a peer-review process that surveys the human rights performance of member states, monitoring progress from previous review cycles, and presents a list of recommendations on how a…

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Algerian journalist Nadir Kerri briefly detained and placed under judiciary control

On October 11, 2022 Algerian authorities arrested journalist Nadir Kerri, editor-in-chief of local independent news website Autojazair, specializing in automotive news in Algiers, after he responded to a summons for questioning, according to news reports, and a local journalist and press freedom advocate familiar with the case, Zaki Hannache, who spoke to CPJ via messaging app.  On October 12,…

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Algerian journalist Belkacem Haouam arrested, held in pretrial detention

New York, September 9, 2022—Algerian authorities must immediately and unconditionally release journalist Belkacem Haouam and cease detaining journalists for their work, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Friday. On Thursday, September 8, authorities in Algiers, the capital, arrested Haouam, a reporter for the local independent daily newspaper Echorouk, after he responded to a summons for…

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Algerian journalist Merzoug Touati sentenced to 1 year in prison

New York, January 4, 2022 – Algerian authorities must immediately and unconditionally release journalist Merzoug Touati and drop all charges against him, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. On December 28, 2021, police arrested Touati, editor of the independent news website Al-Hogra, after he appeared at a police station in the northern city of…

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Algerian journalist Mohamed Mouloudj detained on charges of terrorism and spreading false news

New York, September 15, 2021 – Algerian authorities must immediately and unconditionally release reporter Mohamed Mouloudj and ensure that members of the press can work in the country without fear of imprisonment, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. On September 12, police officers in the northern city of Tizi Ouzou arrested Mouloudj, a reporter…

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Algeria shuts down Lina TV for alleged licensing issue

New York, August 18, 2021 – Algerian authorities should allow Lina TV to resume broadcasting immediately and stop using the country’s accreditation procedures as a means of censorship, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. On August 16, the Ministry of Communications ordered the privately owned news channel off the air, according to news reports…

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Algerian journalist Rabah Karèche sentenced to 1 year in prison on false news and anti-state charges

New York, August 12, 2021 – In response to today’s sentencing of journalist Rabah Karèche to one year in prison, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued the following statement: “Algerian journalist Rabah Karèche’s only crime was doing his job as a reporter; authorities should not force him to spend even one day in prison for…

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