Community of Democracies Working Group on promoting Freedom of Opinion and Expression is holding a high level side event to the UNGA on best practices for safety and protection of journalists on September 23, 2016 from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. EST. This event will provide an opportunity for states, experts and media activists to…
CPJ Advocacy Director, Courtney Radsch, will be participating in tri-annual conference of media development organizations to explore opportunities for collaboration on press freedom issues and between networks. Ms. Radsch will participate in sessions on journalist safety, policy advocacy, and speak at a session on countering violent extremism and the media.
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) and the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) invite you to a panel discussion to raise awareness on the killings of journalists and the #ProtectJournalists campaign to appoint a Special Representative to the UNSG for the Safety of Journalists, endorsed by a large coalition of supporters.
The United Nations Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate and ICT4Peace will hold a two-day workshop on private sector engagement in responding to the use of the internet and ICT for terrorist purposes at Microsoft office in Sunnyvale, Californina.
CPJ’s Impunity Campaign consultant Elisabeth Witchel will join panelists in a discussion following a preview screening of Jim: The James Foley Story. Foley was kidnapped in November 2012 in Syria. He was missing for almost two years before his captors executed him. Foley’s death alerted the world to the rising risks journalists face covering frontline…
The HOPE conference will take place on July 22, 23, and 24, 2016 at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City. H.O.P.E. stands for Hackers On Planet Earth, one of the most creative and diverse hacker events in the world. It’s been happening since 1994. CPJ Staff Technologist Tom Lowenthal will be among speakers at…
Please join the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission for a hearing that will examine blasphemy laws, state censorship, actions by non-state actors, and other threats to freedom of expression around the world. The hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, July 14, 2016 at 2 PM and will take place at 2322 Rayburn House Office Building.
On June 27 the Permanent Mission of Lithuania to the United Nations, together with the Committee to Protect Journalists, is organizing a panel discussion on the safety of journalists in conflict zones, with a focus on the risks and challenges in areas near and under terrorist control. The participants of the event will share their…