


CPJ urges US to mitigate threats to journalism, newsgathering

Dear President Obama: The Committee to Protect Journalists, an independent, nonprofit organization that promotes press freedom worldwide, is writing to express its concern about the effects of intelligence and law enforcement activities undertaken by agencies, over which your administration has oversight, on the free flow of news and other information in the public interest.

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Television program critical of local government in Peru canceled

On August 26, 2014, a television news program that was critical of the local government in the Peruvian city of Ayacucho was canceled after threats were made against the company operating the TV station, according to news reports.

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Mexican journalist attacked after receiving threats

Mexico City, September 8, 2014–The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns Thursday’s attack on Mexican reporter Karla Janeth Silva, who had reported critically on municipal authorities. Silva was kicked and beaten in her newspaper’s office in Guanajuato state, according to news reports.

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Colombian journalist Amalfi Rosales flees after death threats

Bogotá, Colombia, September 8, 2014 — Colombian journalist Amalfi Rosales has fled her home in northern La Guajira state and is seeking government protection after gunmen fired at her house, and she received death threats, according to news reports. Rosales told the Committee to Protect Journalists the threats began after she reported on alleged links…

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Right to Report in the Digital Age

CPJ launches anti-surveillance campaign New York, September 8, 2014–Revelations about surveillance, intimidation, and exploitation of the press have raised unsettling questions about whether the U.S. and other Western democracies risk undermining journalists’ ability to report in the digital age. They also give ammunition to repressive governments seeking to tighten restrictions on media and the Internet.…

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We must fight to preserve journalists’ right to report in digital age

With journalists around the world being killed, kidnapped, and murdered in record numbers why is the Committee to Protect Journalists launching a campaign targeting U.S. government policies?

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Back-to-back display killings of journalists unprecedented

The apparent back-to-back murders of two American freelance journalists by the same group are unprecedented in CPJ’s history. The beheadings on camera in a two-week period of first James Foley and then Steven Sotloff appear to be an acceleration of a pattern–dating at least to Daniel Pearl’s killing in 2002–of criminal and insurgent groups displaying…

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CPJ condemns murder of US journalist Steven Sotloff

New York, September 2, 2014–The Islamic State militant group released a video Tuesday purporting to show the beheading of American freelance journalist Steven Sotloff, according to news reports. Sotloff, who was abducted in Syria in August 2013, would be the second American journalist murdered by Islamic State. In a video posted online on August 19,…

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News from the Committee to Protect Journalists, August 2014

US-Africa Leaders Summit President Barack Obama hosted the first US-Africa Leaders Summit in Washington D.C. this month. The discussion focused on trade and investment, but CPJ helped put press freedom on the agenda. At a time of unprecedented growth and change in Africa, journalists are under increasing pressure, with spikes in repression from Ethiopia to…

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An Islamic State militant stands with the Islamist flag in Iraq. (AFP/Welayat Salahuddin)

James Foley’s killers pose many threats to local, international journalists

New York, August 20, 2014–The Committee to Protect Journalists is extremely concerned for all journalists, most of them Syrians, still held captive by the Al-Qaeda splinter group Islamic State, which has repeatedly kidnapped, killed, and threatened journalists in the territories over which it holds sway. President Barack Obama confirmed today that the group is responsible…

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