


Radio station suspended in Venezuela

Bogotá, August 20, 2014–Venezuelan telecommunications regulator CONATEL shut down a critical radio station on Tuesday after refusing to renew the station’s expired transmission license, according to news reports. The move follows CONATEL’s suspension on Friday of a critical radio program on another station.

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CPJ condemns killing of American journalist James Foley

New York, August 19, 2014–The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the murder of James Foley, a U.S. freelance journalist, who was abducted in Syria in November 2012. In a video posted online, the Al-Qaeda splinter group Islamic State claimed to have executed Foley, saying the act was retribution for U.S. military intervention in Iraq.

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Television anchor shot dead outside his home in Honduras

New York, August 19, 2014 — The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the murder of broadcast journalist Nery Francisco Soto Torres in Honduras on Thursday and calls on authorities to launch a full investigation, determine the motive, and bring those responsible to justice.

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Police in Ferguson, Missouri, arrest Scott Olson, a photographer for Getty Images. (Reuters/Joshua Lott)

CPJ condemns ongoing harassment, arrests of reporters in Ferguson

New York, August 19, 2014–The Committee to Protect Journalists is alarmed by the continued harassment and detentions of journalists covering the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, sparked by the police killing of unarmed teenager Michael Brown. At least nine journalists have been detained and released without charge since Saturday, according to CNN. Two others were briefly…

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Venezuela suspends critical radio program

Bogotá, August 19, 2014–Venezuelan authorities should immediately reverse the suspension of a critical radio program that has been off the air since Friday, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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CPJ concerned by arrests, harassment of reporters covering unrest in Ferguson, Missouri

New York, August 14, 2014–The Committee to Protect Journalists is alarmed by the attacks on and brief detentions of journalists covering protests in Ferguson, Missouri, over the past week in reaction to the killing of teenager Michael Brown by the police. Two journalists were briefly detained on Wednesday and released without charge. Journalists have reported…

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Journalists protest the murder of Colombian reporter Luis Carlos Cervantes. (AFP/Raul Arboleda)

Colombian radio director killed after receiving threats

New York, August 13, 2014–Colombian authorities should immediately investigate the murder of a journalist on Tuesday and apprehend the killers, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Luis Carlos Cervantes Solano had received threats related to his reporting since 2010, according to news reports.

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Friends and family of Octavio Rojas Hernández, a Mexican journalist shot dead on Tuesday, attend his funeral. (AP/Felix Marquez)

Mexican reporter shot dead in Oaxaca state

Mexico City, August 13, 2014–The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the murder on Monday of Mexican reporter Octavio Rojas Hernández in the state of Oaxaca and calls on authorities to investigate the killing, identify the motive, and bring those responsible to justice.

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CPJ and press freedom organizations to deliver Risen petition to U.S. Justice Department

New York, August 13, 2014–A coalition of organizations, including the Committee to Protect Journalists, will hold a news conference on Thursday about efforts by the Obama administration to compel New York Times reporter James Risen to disclose a confidential source. Earlier in the day, a petition with 100,000 signatories–“We Support James Risen Because We Support…

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A woman hangs accreditations of journalists killed in recent years while covering the news in Mexico, at a protest in Guadalajara on February 23, 2014. (Reuters/Alejandro Acosta)

Mexican radio station director’s son killed in attack

Mexico City, August 4, 2014–The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the attack on Saturday on community radio station director Indalecio Benítez that resulted in the death of his 12-year-old son.

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