


Mexican journalists missing after convoy ambushed

New York, April 29, 2010—Two journalists accompanying a caravan of human rights activists in a tense and often violent indigenous area of Oaxaca state in southern Mexico were reported missing Tuesday after the convoy came under gunfire and two people were killed, press reports said. The Committee to Protect Journalists called on Mexican authorities to…

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Ten Journalist Murder Cases to Solve

CPJ challenges authorities in 10 nations to bring justice and reverse culture of impunity New York, April 29, 2010—In the Philippines, political clan members slaughter more than 30 news media workers and dump their bodies in mass graves. In Sri Lanka, a prominent editor who has criticized authorities is so sure of retaliation that he…

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Audio Report: Ten Murder Cases to Solve

In our special report, “Ten Journalist Murder Cases to Solve,” CPJ challenges authorities to solve these news media slayings and reverse the culture of impunity. Here, CPJ’s Robert Mahoney explains why each of these cases can be solved if governments demonstrate political will. Listen to the mp3 on the player above, or right click here to…

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Police block journalists from covering White House demonstration

The U.S. Park Police have taken responsibility for having prevented journalists from covering a White House demonstration on April 21, 2010. A single, uniformed Park Police officer ordered reporters and camera crews to move back after gay rights activists handcuffed themselves to the White House gate. The officer ordered journalists to move toward the far…

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Brazilian students surf the Web at a "Campus Party" in São Paulo. (Reuters/Paulo Whitaker)

Is Brazil the censorship capital of the Internet? Not yet

Last week, Google published its first set of global government request statistics, showing how many demands it receives to remove content from its servers or hand over private information on its users. Transparency by Internet companies about how much information they are compelled to remove or release helps us understand how online journalism worldwide may…

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The White House says it wants to improve transparency. Greater access to information could prevent deaths of journalists in the field.

FOIA needs new muscle behind it, not just promises

These are busy days for Freedom of Information. On April 5, the watchdog Web site that knows no borders, WikiLeaks, posted a classified U.S. military video showing U.S. forces firing on Iraqi civilians, killing many, including two Reuters journalists, as well as wounding children. Two days later, the Pentagon posted a redacted U.S. military assessment of the same incident concluding that U.S. troops fired “in accordance…

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Chmagh (Reuters)

CPJ seeks Pentagon investigations in Iraq journalist deaths

Dear Secretary Gates: The Committee to Protect Journalists is disturbed by a video recently disclosed by the Web site WikiLeaks showing a U.S. military strike that took place on July 12, 2007. The attack killed an unspecified number of individuals, including Reuters photographer Namir Noor-Eldeen and his assistant, Saeed Chmagh.

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Mudhafar al-Husseini

An Iraqi in America: A year still unclear

I just can’t believe that it’s been almost a year since I arrived in the States. It’s been very quick, seemingly quicker than waiting in a drive-through line for a restaurant. 

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TV host slain; 6th Honduran journalist killed since March

New York, April 21, 2010—The Committee to Protect Journalists voiced deep concern today at the killing of Honduran television anchor Jorge Alberto Orellana, the sixth journalist killed in the country since March.

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María Teresa Ronderos and Sergei Sokolov at CPJ's Impunity Summit at Columbia. (CPJ)

Impunity Summit: Solidarity in fighting journalist murders

Every day at CPJ, we count numbers: 18 journalists killed in Russia since 2000, 32 journalists and media workers slaughtered in the Maguindanao massacre, 88 journalists murdered over the last 10 years in Iraq. But on Tuesday night at CPJ’s Impunity Summit at Columbia University, CPJ Executive Director Joel Simon clarified why we were gathered:…

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