


In Cuban releases, victory came from failure

While the Cuban government remains silent over Antonio Villarreal, Léster González Pentón, Luis Milán, José Luis García Paneque, and Pablo Pacheco Ávila—the five imprisoned Cuban journalists and dissidents to be released soon—the media are filled with headlines declaring victory for many.

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Mexico restructures prosecution of press crimes

New York, July 9, 2010—Structural changes meant to broaden the authority of Mexico’s special prosecutor’s office to investigate crimes against journalists are still insufficient to address the grave free expression crisis in Mexico, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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(Yamilé Llanes Labrada)

Wife greets news of possible release in Cuba with shock

José Luis García Paneque is one of five Cuban dissidents who will be released and sent to Spain, international news reports said today. A disillusioned plastic surgeon-turned-headstrong editor of an independent news agency, García Paneque, at left, has been jailed since March 2003. At 45, he leaves prison with a dismal array of illnesses.

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Three journalists among first to be released in Cuba

New York, July 8, 2010—José Luis García Paneque, Pablo Pacheco Ávila, and Lester Luis González Pentón, independent Cuban journalists imprisoned during the 2003 crackdown against the political opposition and the press, are among the five dissidents to be released soon and sent to Spain as part of an agreement between the government of President Raúl Castro and the Catholic…

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Yoani Sánchez at home in Cuba. (Reuters)

Chronicles of deprivation: NYRB covers blogging in Cuba

Take a look at this story in The New York Review of Books—it gets inside the challenges bloggers face as they are considered a “threat to the Cuban government’s international image,” and cites CPJ’s findings about imprisonment (Cuba has 22 journalists in jail, more than anywhere in the world except China and Iran). Read “Can the…

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Laura Pollán Toledo, wife of jailed journalist Héctor Maseda Gutiérrez. (AP/Franklin Reyes)

Church says Cuba will release political prisoners

New York, July 7, 2010—The Catholic Church in Cuba said today that the government of President Raúl Castro has agreed to release dozens of political prisoners over the next several weeks, raising hopes that numerous imprisoned journalists could be freed.  “If imprisoned journalists are freed, as suggested by the church’s announcement, it cannot come a…

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U.S. photographer harassed covering Gulf oil spill

On July 2, 2010, photographer Lance Rosenfeld was detained by police and released only after authorities reviewed his images and collected his personal identification information, which they then shared with BP, the company responsible for the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Rosenfeld was on assignment for the non-profit media outlet ProPublica and the PBS…

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Wednesday on the show, Nnamdi and his guests will "examine how violence against journalists ends up influencing media coverage."

Balancing risk vs. safety in global news reporting

CPJ’s Joel Simon will be live on Wednesday on “The Kojo Nnamdi Show,” a daily news public radio show in Washington. Joining Simon will be Iraqi journalist Haider Hamza, who has covered the war in Iraq for Reuters and ABC News, and Alfredo Corchado, the Mexico bureau chief for The Dallas Morning News, in a…

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Mexican reporter shot to death in Michoacán state

New York, July 6, 2010—The Committee to Protect Journalists urges Mexican authorities to fully investigate the killing of journalist Hugo Alfredo Olivera, who was found dead today in Michoacán state, according to news reports and CPJ interviews.

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Guatemalan investigative reporter threatened

New York, July 2, 2010—The Committee to Protect Journalists is alarmed by a death threat against a Guatemalan investigative journalist with the leading daily elPeriódico, who recently reported on corruption and human trafficking.

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