Gambia / Africa


Two Gambian journalists released; third still in custody

New York, April 20, 2006—Two senior journalists from a leading Gambian newspaper were released without charge today after three weeks in the custody of the National Intelligence Agency (NIA). Editor Musa Saidykhan and General Manager Madi Ceesay of the Banjul-based Independent were told to report to the NIA Friday morning, Ceesay told CPJ. A third…

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Third journalist from leading newspaper arrested

New York, April 12, 2006—A third journalist from The Independent, a leading Gambian newspaper, was arrested at his home this afternoon, according to his colleagues. Reporter Lamin Fatty’s arrest follows that of Editor Musa Saidykhan and General Manager Madi Ceesay, who have been detained without charge since March 28. Fatty was the author of a…

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Third journalist from leading newspaper arrested

New York, April 12, 2006—A third journalist from The Independent, a leading Gambian newspaper, was arrested at his home this afternoon, according to his colleagues. Reporter Lamin Fatty’s arrest follows that of Editor Musa Saidykhan and General Manager Madi Ceesay, who have been detained without charge since March 28. Fatty was the author of a…

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CPJ delivers message to Gambian ambassador on detained journalists

New York, April 6, 2006—The Committee to Protect Journalists today expressed grave concerns about the prolonged, unexplained detention of two Gambian journalists in a letter to that country’s ambassador to the United Nations, Crispin Grey-Johnson. CPJ representatives hand delivered the message to the Gambian mission to the United Nations, and urged Grey-Johnson to convey the…

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Journalists still held, raising alarm

Your Excellency: The Committee to Protect Journalists is alarmed by the detention since early Tuesday of two senior journalists for the private newspaper The Independent, whose offices were also sealed off by security forces. Editor Musa Saidykhan and General Manager Madi Ceesay, who is also secretary-general of the Gambia Press Union, have now been in custody for more than three days without being informed of the reasons, according to CPJ sources. Gambian law normally requires that they be brought before a court within a three-day period, a local lawyer confirmed.

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Gambian journalists, still held, say reason for detention unclear

New York, March 30, 2006—The Committee to Protect Journalists is deeply troubled by the detention since early Tuesday of two senior journalists for The Independent private newspaper, whose offices were sealed off by security forces. Police allowed Editor Musa Saidykhan and General Manager Madi Ceesay, who is also secretary-general of the Gambia Press Union, to…

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Gambian security forces seal off leading newspaper, arrest staff

New York, March 28, 2006—Plainclothes Gambian security agents today sealed the offices of the twice-weekly newspaper The Independent and arrested staffers found on the premises, local journalists told the Committee to Protect Journalists. Most of the staff members were released after brief questioning, but Editor Musa Saidykhan and General Manager Madi Ceesay remained in custody…

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Attacks on the Press 2005: The Gambia

THE GAMBIA The tightening of repressive media laws and the failure to solve the December 2004 murder of veteran journalist Deyda Hydara added to the climate of violence and intimidation faced by private media in 2005. President Yahya Jammeh said that the Gambia allowed “too much freedom of expression,” and local journalists feared that government…

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CPJ Update

CPJ Update December 2006 News from the Committee to Protect Journalists Return to front page | See previous Updates

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CPJ Update

CPJ Update November 2006 News from the Committee to Protect Journalists Return to front page | See previous Updates

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