Ethiopia / Africa


Editor released after nine months in prison

New York, March 5, 2002—The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes the release of Tamrat Zuma, former publisher and editor-in-chief of the defunct Amharic-language weekly Atkurot, after more than nine months in prison. At the beginning of 2001, seven Ethiopian journalists were in prison for their work, according to CPJ research, making Ethiopia Africa’s leading jailer…

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Gallery of Absurd Press Laws and Rulings

Research by Edith Tsouri. Illustrations by Béatrice Coron.

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CPJ letter outlines press freedom agenda for government

Your Excellency: The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) recently completed a fact-finding mission to Ethiopia to assess conditions for local journalists. During a one-week stay, CPJ Africa program coordinator Yves Sorokobi met with senior government officials, with opposition and human rights activists, and with journalists from both the state and private media.

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New York, October 31, 2001—Following a recent fact-finding mission to Ethiopia, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) today sent a letter to Prime Minister Meles Zenawi listing a host of restrictions that still hamper the growth of a genuinely independent and professional press in the Horn of Africa nation.

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Addis Ababa, October 9, 2001—The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) today completed a fact-finding mission in Ethiopia with a visit to jailed journalist Tamirate Zuma at the Kerchele Penitentiary in the capital, Addis Ababa. In the last year, Ethiopia has seen a gradual improvement in its press freedom climate after nearly a decade as Africa’s…

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Zenawi government cracks down on local press

Your Excellency, The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is disturbed by the continued detention of Tamrat Zuma, former publisher and editor-in-chief of the defunct Amharic weekly Atkurot. Zuma has now been in prison for more than two months.

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Jailed editor faces multiple charges

New York, June 13, 2001-The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) calls on Ethiopian authorities to halt the unjust prosecution of Tamirate Zuma, former publisher and editor-in-chief of the defunct Amharic weekly Atkurot, on incitement and other charges relating to his work. Zuma is due to appear in court tomorrow on the incitement charge. We urge…

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Two journalists freed, two still detained

New York, May 16, 2001 — CPJ welcomes the release of two journalists held in an Addis Ababa prison since 1997 under local press and anti-terrorism laws. Ethiopia has been Africa’s foremost jailer of journalists in recent years, with seven journalists in prison at the end of 2000. Since January 2001, however, authorities have released…

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Journalist disappears during riots

New York, April 23, 2001 — CPJ is greatly concerned about the disappearance of Seifu Mekonnen, a reporter for Mebrek, an Amharic-language weekly based in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa. Mekonnen was last seen on the afternoon of April 21 at a press conference of the Ethiopian Human Rights Council, a local non-governmental organization, sources…

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Attacks on the Press 2000: Africa Analysis

PRESS COVERAGE OF ARMED CONFLICTS CONTINUED TO STIR THE HOSTILITY of governments and rebel factions alike and claim reporters’ lives, but the prominent role of the press in the often-volatile process of democratization also brought unprecedented challenges to journalists working in Africa. CPJ confirmed that in 2000, five journalists were killed specifically because of their…

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