Roberto Schmidt

2 results arranged by date

Demonstrations in Sana'a. (AP/Muhammed Muheisen)

Al-Jazeera raided in Sana’a; attacks in Libya, Syria, Bahrain

New York, March 22, 2011–Plainclothes gunmen raided Al-Jazeera’s Sana’a bureau early this morning, confiscating equipment and obstructing operations, the Qatar-based news channel reported today as a drumbeat of anti-press attacks continued in the region. Arrests, attacks, and harassment were also reported in Libya, Syria and Bahrain in recent days.

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Times reporters freed in Libya; 13 still missing, detained

New York, March 21, 2011 – CPJ welcomes the release of four New York Times journalists in Libya but remains deeply concerned about 13 other journalists who are either missing or reported in Libyan government custody.

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