
120 results arranged by date

Proposed Russian legislation expands ‘foreign agent’ regulations

Paris, June 28, 2022 — Russian legislators should not pass a new bill to expand the country’s regulations concerning so-called “foreign agents,” and should let the press operate freely, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Tuesday. The country’s current foreign agent legislation requires the Ministry of Justice to prove that a person or organization has…

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Russian draft legislation threatens to further silence independent media

Paris, June 23, 2022 – Russian legislators should not enact newly proposed legislation that threatens to further restrict the press, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Thursday. On June 14, the State Duma, the lower house of Russia’s legislature, passed a bill amending the country’s criminal code to impose prison terms for vague actions against…

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CPJ joins call expressing concern over EU draft legislation that threatens encryption

On May 12, 2022, the Committee to Protect Journalists joined dozens of free expression groups, technology organizations, and individuals in a statement expressing concern over legislation proposed by the European Commission that could threaten digital encryption. The legislation, known as the Regulation on Child Sexual Abuse, which the commission proposed on May 11, would compel…

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CPJ joins call to strengthen EU European Media Freedom Act

The Committee to Protect Journalists joined 16 other press and free expression organizations in a letter to European commissioners on May 9, or Europe Day, calling on them to ensure that the proposed European Media Freedom Act defends press freedom and independence. The letter calls for the European Commission to expand the EMFA beyond basic…

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New El Salvador law threatens up to 15 years in prison for reporting on gangs

New York, April 7, 2022 – El Salvador lawmakers should repeal new legislation that criminalizes reporting on gangs, and should allow the press to cover issues of public interest freely, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Thursday. “As journalists and press freedom organizations have feared, Salvadoran authorities are using the country’s state of emergency as…

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Turkish lawmakers propose up to 3 years in prison for ‘hurting the reputation’ of a private company

Istanbul, March 31, 2022 – Turkish authorities should reject a proposed amendment to the country’s laws that would threaten members of the press with prison time over their reporting on private companies, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Thursday. On March 26, members of parliament with Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) proposed a…

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Russian government expands law banning ‘fakes’

New York, March 22, 2022 – In response to the newly proposed legislation penalizing the distribution of “fakes” concerning the Russian government’s activities abroad, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued the following statement: “Russian legislators and President Vladimir Putin should drop new amendments banning so-called ‘fakes’ and allow free reporting about the war in Ukraine,”…

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Proposed Russian legislation threatens 15 years in prison for ‘fake’ information about Ukraine invasion

Paris, March 3, 2022 – Russian lawmakers should not pass a draft law that would threaten to imprison journalists for sharing information about the country’s recent invasion of Ukraine, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Thursday. The State Duma, the lower house of Russia’s legislature, is scheduled to consider legislation on Friday that would impose…

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Pakistan expands prison terms for online defamation to 5 years

New York, February 22, 2022 – Pakistan authorities must immediately revoke a recently enacted ordinance that further criminalizes freedom of expression in the country, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Tuesday. On Sunday, February 20, President Arif Alvi enacted amendments to the 2016 Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act, increasing the prison term for online defamation…

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New Azerbaijan media law increases restrictions on the press

Stockholm, February 10, 2022 – Azerbaijan authorities should repeal a newly enacted media law that increases state control of the press, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Thursday. On Tuesday, February 8, President Ilham Aliyev enacted the law “On Media,” which replaces existing laws governing media outlets, according to news reports and a copy of…

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