legal action

63 results arranged by date

CPJ, others call for lawsuits against Greek journalists and outlets to be dropped

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) joined eight other international press freedom organizations in support of journalists and media outlets in Greece ahead of a series of abusive lawsuits filed by Grigoris Dimitriadis, former general secretary and the nephew of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis. Dimitriadis filed two lawsuits against newspaper EFSYN and online investigative portal…

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Belarus police

Belarusian authorities start trial of Aliaksandr Ziankou, bring charges against Ales Sabaleuski, detain Yauhen Hlushkou

New York, January 18, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Belarusian authorities to drop all charges against journalist Aliaksandr Ziankou and to disclose the charges against journalist Ales Sabaleuski and the reason for the recent detention of journalist Yauhen Hlushkou. On January 12, Minsk City Court began the trial of Ziankou, a freelance photojournalist,…

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A man reads a newspaper with a picture of Mahsa Amini, who died after being arrested by morality police, in Tehran, Iran, on September 18, 2022.

CPJ calls for release of all jailed Iranian journalists after bail granted to Niloofar Hamedi and Elahe Mohammadi

Washington, D.C., January 17, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes Iran’s decision to grant bail to journalists Niloofar Hamedi and Elahe Mohammadi while they await the outcome of appeals against their lengthy jail sentences, but calls on Iranian authorities to drop all charges and release all journalists still being held in connection with their work….

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Makhabat Tajibek kyzy and office

Kyrgyzstan authorities raid news outlets and Temirov Live, arrest journalists

Stockholm, January 16, 2024 — Kyrgyz authorities should drop criminal investigations into privately owned news website and investigative outlet Temirov Live, release all detained current and former members of Temirov Live, and end their crackdown on the independent press, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Tuesday. On Monday, officers from Kyrgyzstan’s State Committee for…

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CPJ to release annual report of journalists imprisoned globally

New York, January 10, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists will release its 2023 annual census of journalists imprisoned worldwide on January 18, 2024.

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Tunisian journalist Zied el-Heni was recently arrested for allegedly insulting the president. (Screenshot: YouTube/IFM)

Tunisian journalist Zied el-Heni arrested after criticizing commerce minister

New York, January 2, 2024—Tunisian authorities must immediately and unconditionally release journalist Zied el-Heni and drop all charges against him, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Tuesday. On December 28, police arrested el-Heni, a prominent columnist and political commentator for the daily “Émission Impossible” show on the independent radio station IFM, after he responded to…

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Hungarian parliament

Hungary’s Russian-style national sovereignty bill threatens independent media

Berlin, December 15, 2023—Hungary’s president should decline to approve a law creating a Sovereignty Protection Authority, which local media outlets have warned could be used to stifle independent journalism supported by overseas donors, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Friday. On Tuesday, December 12, Hungary’s parliament passed a bill to establish a government authority with…

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Sebastien Lai, son of Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai, holds a sign calling for the release of his father on the sidelines of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland, September 27, 2023.

CPJ calls for Hong Kong publisher Jimmy Lai’s release ahead of national security trial

New York, December 15, 2023 – The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Hong Kong authorities to release publisher Jimmy Lai ahead of the scheduled start of his national security trial on December 18. The 76-year-old Lai could be jailed for life if convicted. Lai, a British citizen and founder of the now-shuttered pro-democracy newspaper…

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Alsu Kurmasheva and Maria Ponomarenko

Russia brings new charges against jailed journalists Alsu Kurmasheva and Maria Ponomarenko, issues arrest warrant for exiled journalist Masha Gessen

Paris, December 14, 2023—Russian authorities must immediately release journalists Alsu Kurmasheva and Maria Ponomarenko, drop all charges against them, and stop harassing exiled members of the press, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Thursday. On Tuesday, the Telegram channel Baza and state news agency Tatar-Inform reported that Kurmasheva, a dual U.S.-Russian national and an editor…

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Belarusian authorities detain at least two Ranak journalists

New York, December 8, 2023—The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the detention of Belarusian journalists Liudmila Andenka and Yulia Dovletova, and calls on Belarusian authorities to release them immediately. “Belarusian authorities continue using their shameful ‘extremism’ legislation by imprisoning journalists who have worked for media that they have arbitrarily banned from operating in the country,”…

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