Journalist Assistance

24 results arranged by date

Gesey, left, and Jimale in their Nairobi apartment. (CPJ/Tom Rhodes)

Exiled Somali journalists face new challenges in Nairobi

Somali journalists Hassan Ali Gesey and Abdihakim Jimale are roommates these days, living in a tiny, graffiti-ridden room in Nairobi, Kenya. Neither would have wanted to eke out an existence like this, but dire circumstances brought them together—starting with the night three years ago that Gesey saved Jimale’s life.

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Somali editor Ahmed Omar Hashi has survived three attempts on his life. With CPJ's help, he is now living in Uganda. (CPJ/Karen Phillips)

Somali editor, family make a new life in exile

KAMPALA, Uganda As Ahmed Omar Hashi strode toward me, his figure silhouetted in the bright morning light, it was hard to believe this was the same man who left Mogadishu on a stretcher just six months earlier after suffering a near-fatal gunshot wound. As I reached to shake his hand, he pulled me into a…

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A man sits amid the rubble in Port-au-Prince. (AP)

How to help journalists in Haiti

The scenes from Port-au-Prince are horrifying, and the needs are staggering. There is no food, no water, no place to bury the dead. And there is also no information. According to CPJ’s Senior Americas Program Coordinator Carlos Lauria, who spoke with Haitian journalist Guylar Delva today, only a handful of Creole-language radio stations are operating. Journalists are unable to work…

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How to help journalists in prison

Today CPJ released its annual census of imprisoned journalists around the world. Citing 136 journalists jailed for their work around the world, the report brings to the foreground one of the toughest issues CPJ and other advocacy groups grapple with: Advocacy working at its best can make a difference over time and, in some cases,…

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