
27 results arranged by date

Hungarian parliament

CPJ, others express solidarity with journalists, NGOs targeted by Hungary’s Russian-style Sovereignty Protection Office

Berlin, June 28, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists joined nine international press freedom and human rights organizations in expressing solidarity with NGOs Transparency International Hungary and Átlátszó, which Hungary authorities have targeted with investigations. The joint statement urged the European Commission and EU Member States to take immediate and decisive action to protect NGOs and…

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On April 18, Russian authorities raided Fontanka correspondent Ksenia Klochkova's apartment in St. Petersburg. (Photo: St. Petersburg Union of Journalists)

Russian authorities raid journalist Ksenia Klochkova´s apartment

Berlin, April 22, 2024— The raid on Fontanka journalist Ksenia Klochkova’s home underscores the ongoing erosion of Russia’s press freedoms, and authorities should immediately end all harassment and punitive actions against journalists in connection with their work, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Monday. On April 18, officers with the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (SKR)…

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CPJ, partners call on Bangladesh to dismiss Digital Security Act cases over freedom of expression

Prime Minister Sheikh HasinaPeople’s Republic of [email protected] Sent via email Madam Prime Minister Hasina, We, the 19 undersigned press freedom and human rights organizations, write to seek your administration’s urgent intervention to immediately end the harassment and intimidation of journalist Adhora Yeasmean, who faces an investigation under the Digital Security Act (DSA) for her April…

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Punjab authorities open blasphemy and defamation investigation into Pakistani journalist Waqar Satti

New York, August 30, 2022– Authorities in Pakistan’s northeast Punjab province must immediately drop their investigation into journalist Waqar Satti, allow him to report freely, and investigate threats he received in retaliation for his work, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Tuesday. On Saturday, August 27, police in the Punjab city of Rawalpindi filed a…

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Angolan journalists continue to face criminal insult and defamation proceedings

New York, June 30, 2022 – Angolan authorities should drop criminal defamation and insult investigations into journalists Escrivão José, Óscar Constantino, and Fernando Caetano and ensure that investigative journalism is not criminalized, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Thursday. The three journalists each told CPJ that they are facing ongoing legal processes over criminal defamation…

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Indian police investigate 2 journalists following critical social media posts

New York, June 16, 2022 – Indian police must immediately drop investigations into journalists Saba Naqvi and Mohammed Zubair in response to their social media posts criticizing right-wing Hindu politics and activists, and allow all members of the press to work freely, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Thursday.  On June 3, police in the…

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Russian police investigate journalist Ilya Ber over fact-check on Ukraine deaths

Paris, May 6, 2022 – Russian authorities should drop their investigation into journalist Ilya Ber and let the press freely cover the war in Ukraine, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Friday. On Thursday, May 5, local media reported that the Ministry of Internal Affairs department in Moscow’s Preobrazhenskoye district had launched a probe into…

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Omani journalist Mukhtar al-Hanai charged over corruption coverage

New York, May 6, 2022 – Oman authorities should drop all charges against journalist Mukhtar al-Hanai and allow the press to work freely and without fear of legal harassment, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Friday. The public prosecutor’s office in Muscat, the capital, informed al-Hanai, a reporter for the news website Atheer, on March…

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Indian authorities arrest 2 journalists over coverage of leaked school exams; reporters attacked covering Delhi demonstration

New Delhi, April 7, 2022 – Indian authorities should release journalists Ajit Ojha and Digvijay Singh immediately, drop their investigation into journalist Meer Faisal, and ensure that members of the press can work freely and safely, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Thursday. On March 30, police in Uttar Pradesh’s Ballia district arrested Ojha and…

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Iceland police investigate 4 journalists for alleged privacy breach in Samherji fishing company reporting

Berlin, March 25, 2022 — Iceland authorities must ensure that journalists are not subject to police investigations as retaliation for their work, and should drop their criminal probe into journalists who recently covered the Samherji fishing company, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Friday. In November 2019, Iceland’s public broadcaster Ríkisútvarpið (RÚV), the privately owned…

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