Hong Lei

2 results arranged by date

Chinese reporter arrested in connection with Hong Kong protest coverage

New York, October 14, 2014–The arrest of a Chinese reporter working for a German weekly is cause for alarm and signals a threat to other Chinese journalists working for foreign media in China, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Zhang Miao, an arts reporter for the German magazine Die Zeit, has been in jail…

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In a press conference today, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesman Hong Lei, above, evaded questions about Al-Jazeera being denied journalist visas. (AP/Andy Wong)

China ducks questions about Al-Jazeera expulsion

“The Beijing branch of Al-Jazeera is still functioning normally.” This was not an auspicious reaction to the news that Al-Jazeera English has closed its Beijing bureau after being refused journalist visas. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesman Hong Lei’s responses at today’s press conference did not improve from there, according to a partial transcript published by…

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