
110 results arranged by date

China shuts out Al-Jazeera English in Beijing

New York, May 7, 2012–China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs should immediately grant accreditation to Al-Jazeera English reporters to work in China, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. The channel said China has refused its long-time correspondent Melissa Chan and other colleagues journalist visas, forcing it to close its Beijing bureau. 

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Ricardo González Alfonso (AFP)

Cubans exiled in Spain: Integration or disintegration?

Desperate realities call for hope. It is not just a game of words, because you don’t play with hunger and the future (my own and my family’s). It is about going deeper into another version of circumstances. And seeing the rainbow where others see a gloomy sun and a stubborn and relentless rain.I am writing…

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Saudi Arabian columnist under threat for Twitter posts

New York, February 9, 2012–The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns death threats and a publishing ban against columnist Hamza Kashgari for comments he posted on Twitter addressing the prophet Mohammed.

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In Mauritania, Moroccan journalist expelled

New York, December 23, 2011–The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns Mauritanian authorities’ Wednesday decision to expel a Moroccan journalist from the country. The Mauritanian government gave no reason for their decision.

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Awramba Times featured parliamentary affairs, health issues, women's issues, satire, and folklore. (CPJ)

Awramba Times is latest Ethiopian paper to vanish

A couple of weeks ago, newspaper editor Dawit Kebede, an International Press Freedom award winner, fled Ethiopia. Sadly, Dawit’s Awramba Times is the latest in a long list of Amharic-language private publications to vanish from the market following the incarceration or flight into exile of their editors.

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Solomon Abera was once a presenter for state television ERI-TV. (Solomon Abera)

Solomon Abera, who voiced end of Eritrean free press, dies

The name Solomon Abera will forever be etched in the collective memory of Eritrea’s press corps. On September 18, 2001, as the world focused its attention on the terrorist attacks on the United States, the government of Eritrea borrowed Abera’s voice to sound the death knell, on state-controlled airwaves, of the Red Sea nation’s independent…

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New President Almazbek Atambayev was sworn in Thursday in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. (AP)

Q & A: Khudaiberdiyev on Kyrgyz trial, press freedom

In late October, a regional court in Jalal-Abad, southern Kyrgyzstan, convicted and sentenced in absentia to hefty prison terms two ethnic Uzbek media owners, Dzhavlon Mirzakhodzhayev of Mezon TV and Khalil Khudaiberdiyev of Osh TV. Both men were tried in connection to the ethnic conflict that ravaged southern Kyrgyzstan in June 2010. Authorities accused both…

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An Abé Tokichaw column from March 2011 (CPJ)

Ethiopian satirist silently joins ranks of the exiled

Newspaper satirist Abebe Tolla, better known as Abé Tokichaw, fled Ethiopia fearing imprisonment in retaliation for critical news commentaries, media reported this week. His exit was overshadowed by the trial of opposition figures and journalists on charges of terrorism. In an interview he gave to U.S.-based Addis Neger Online from an undisclosed location, Abebe said…

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Ethnic Uzbek men look for their belongings at a destroyed house outside Osh on June 16, 2010. (AFP)

Q & A: Dzhavlon Mirzakhodzhayev on Kyrgyz ‘justice’

On October 28, a regional court in Jalal-Abad, southern Kyrgyzstan, announced its verdict in the trial of six men–all ethnic Uzbeks–charged in connection with violent ethnic conflict in June 2010. Among the defendants were owners of what was once the region’s most influential media–Khalil Khudaiberdiyev of Osh TV and Dzhavlon Mirzakhodzhayev of Mezon TV. The…

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Nicaraguan journalist flees country after death threats

New York, September 21, 2011–The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned by reports that Nicaraguan journalist Silvia González fled the country last week after receiving repeated threats that referred to her work, news reports said.

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