Evin Prison

84 results arranged by date

Imprisoned reporter Shiva Nazar Ahari

With 47 journalists in jail, Iran sets notorious records

New York, February 3, 2010—Iranian authorities are now holding at least 47 journalists in prison, more than any single country has imprisoned since 1996, according to a new survey by the Committee to Protect Journalists. While many of the detainees were arrested in the aftermath of the disputed June presidential election, CPJ’s survey found that authorities…

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Iran continues crackdown: Anchor pressured, writers jailed

New York, January 4, 2010—The Iranian government continued an assault on the press as authorities have arrested at least six more journalists, upheld a long prison sentence against another, and barred a television anchor from returning to work. The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns these repressive actions and calls for the immediate release of all…

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Reaching out to CPJ’s award winner, imprisoned in Iran

The relentless crackdown on the press in Iran is, well, relentless. In the last few days we have received word that 11 more journalists have been arrested, including former CPJ International Press Freedom Award winner Mashallah Shamsolvaezin, at left. There are 23 other journalists already in prison in Iran, according to the global census CPJ…

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Shamsolvaezin's mother faces confiscation of her home if he does not report to prison. (AP)

Top Iranian journalists jailed in wake of Ashura protests

New York, December 29, 2009—The Iranian government, struggling to silence the many critical voices in the country, has arrested at least 11 journalists since Sunday, including former International Press Freedom Award recipient Mashallah Shamsolvaezin and the prominent writer Emadeddin Baghi. The Committee to Protect Journalists condemned the arrests and called for the release of all…

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A letter to the American hikers being held in Iran

The families of Shane Bauer, Josh Fattal, and Sarah Shourd, the three hikers detained in Iran, said today they are concerned about their children’s emotional well-being after nearly four months in prison. They asked supporters to send letters, which they will seek to deliver to them in Evin Prison in Tehran, where the three are…

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Newsweek reporter leaves Tehran; 25 journalists still in jail

New York, October 20, 2009—With the release of Newsweek reporter Maziar Bahari on bail, the Committee to Protect Journalists today called on Iranian authorities to release the 25 journalists who still remain in prison. 

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In Iran, a blogging insurgency challenges regime

I’m a cartoonist so even when writing a story or working as radio correspondent, I’m checking out the empty half of the glass. As blogger it’s no different; my inner cartoonist lurks in the dark. I’ve followed the Iranian “Bloggistan” since day one, and started my Persian blog after learning how to type. Funny? Not…

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CPJ urges Iran to release journalists during Ramadan

New York, September 16, 2009—As Muslims worldwide prepare to celebrate the end of the holy month of Ramadan, a time of compassion and forgiveness, the Committee to Protect Journalists today called on the Iranian authorities to release journalists who are being held behind bars.

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In Iran, newspaper censored and two journalists out on bail

New York, August 18, 2009–The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the government’s censorship of the daily newspaper Etemad e Melli on Monday.

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As media arrests mount, Iran solidifies a dishonor

New York, July 22, 2009–The ‎Committee to Protect Journalists has confirmed the detentions of another four journalists in Iran. CPJ research shows the continuing arrests have solidified Iran’s dishonorable standing as the world’s leading jailer of journalists.

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