
1411 results arranged by date

Burundi journalist detained by security agents

New York, November 30, 2011–The Committee to Protect Journalists is gravely concerned by the ongoing detention of a radio journalist in Burundi since Monday.

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Egypt detains journalist, assaults another

New York, November 24, 2011–The Committee to Protect Journalists called on Egyptian authorities to release U.S.-Egyptian documentary filmmaker Jehan Nujaim detained in Cairo on Wednesday, and investigate the arrest and beating of columnist Mona Eltahawy.

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Occupy Wall Street protesters clashed with police this morning. (AP)

Journalists obstructed from covering OWS protests

New York, November 15, 2011–The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned by today’s reports of New York City police mistreating and detaining journalists and obstructing them from covering events at the Occupy Wall Street protests.

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Journalist Hassan Ghani, detained since Friday, was arrested by Israeli forces on this aid ship headed to Gaza. (Reuters)

Israel continues journalist’s detention

New York, November 10, 2011–The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned by Israel’s continued detention of Hassan Ghani, a correspondent for Iran’s Press TV. Ghani was arrested with four other journalists on Friday when soldiers boarded two humanitarian aid ships sailing toward Gaza, news reports said. The other journalists included Lina Attallah, of Al-Masry al-Youm’s…

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Israeli soldiers board a humanitarian aid ship bound for Gaza. (AP)

Israel arrests journalists aboard flotilla

New York, November 4, 2011–Israeli forces arrested an unidentified number of journalists today after a group of soldiers boarded two humanitarian aid ships sailing toward Gaza and forced them to redirect to the Israeli port of Ashdod, according to news reports. 

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In Vietnam, crackdown on journalists in past six months

New York, October 3, 2011–The Committee to Protect Journalists is alarmed by the recent crackdown on freedom of expression in Vietnam and calls on the government to immediately and unconditionally release all of the journalists detained in the country.

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Israel must grant Samer Allawi the right to due process

Dear Prime Minister Netanyahu: The Committee to Protect Journalists is deeply concerned about the Israeli government’s ongoing detention without charge of Al-Jazeera correspondent Samer Allawi and calls on you to ensure that the journalist is allowed due process.

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CPJ concerned about detained Ethiopian journalists

New York, September 1, 2011–The Committee to Protect Journalists holds Ethiopia responsible for the well-being of two journalists detained without charge or legal access since June under the country’s far-reaching anti-terrorism law.

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Violent media intimidation in Yemen and Bahrain

New York, May 24, 2011–The Committee to Protect Journalists called on the governments of Yemen and Bahrain to end all intimidation and harassment of and physical violence against journalists. In Yemen, on Saturday, a journalist was attacked and repeatedly stabbed by unidentified assailants. In Bahrain, the authorities continue to detain and abuse journalists.

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Journalists face arrest, intimidation during Party Congress

New York, April 20, 2011–The Committee to Protect Journalists is alarmed by a string of recent arrests of journalists from the Havana-based news outlet Centro de Información Hablemos Press, preventing them from reporting on the Communist Party Congress held in Havana this week. CPJ called on the Cuban government to cease its persistent harassment of…

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