pavel sheremet

67 results

Journalists honored for courageous reporting

International Press Freedom Awards go to imprisoned Cameroonian journalist, Mexican correspondent, Thai reporter, and Yemeni blogger New York, November 16, 2017–Journalists from Cameroon, Mexico, Thailand, and Yemen were honored Wednesday night at the Committee to Protect Journalists’ 27th annual International Press Freedom Awards for courageous work amid risks such as imprisonment, threats, and exile. The…

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CPJ urges President Macron to champion the protection of journalists in France and around the world

CPJ calls on President Macron of France to continue to champion the protection of journalists and press freedom at home and around the world.

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CPJ calls on Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to reaffirm his commitment to ensuring journalists’ safety

CPJ calls on Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to publically denounce the recent SBU actions against the press and reaffirming his commitment to ensuring journalists’ safety.

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A newspaper vendor in Kiev in 2007. Security agents in the city have raided the offices of independent news website Strana. (AFP/Sergei Supinksy)

Ukrainian press union president threatened after criticizing raid on news website

New York, August 14, 2017–The Committee to Protect Journalists today condemned the harassment of journalists in Ukraine and called on authorities to ensure the press can report freely, after the country’s National Security Service raided the offices of a news website and a member of parliament criticized Sergiy Tomilenko, head of the National Union of…

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Harlem Désir, pictured at France's National Assembly in Paris in July 2016, says he is committed to standing up for journalists in his new role as OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media. (AFP/Jacques Demarthon)

Q&A: Impunity and journalist safety are priority says new OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Harlem Désir

The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media plays a vital role that is valued by journalists and media freedom groups for its ability to speak out in defense of press freedom in participating states of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

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CPJ Highlights: July edition

CPJ and Freedom of the Press Foundation launch the “U.S. Press Freedom Tracker” On August 2, CPJ, the Freedom of the Press Foundation (FPF), and 22 partner organizations launched the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker, a website that documents threats to press freedom in the United States. The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is the first centralized…

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A screen shot of the front page of form July 14, 2017, features security camera footage showing masked security forces raiding the Vesti media group's office in Kiev.

Security forces raid Ukrainian media group

New York, July 14, 2017–Ukrainian authorities should cease harassing journalists and employees of the Vesti media company, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. National police and military prosecutors today raided the Kiev office of Media Holding Vesti, which includes Radio Vesti, the daily newspaper Vesti, and the news website, according to its editor…

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Justice denied:

Tough reporting earned Sheremet enemies in three countries KIEV — Olena Prytula was sleeping so deeply that her mind would not be fully alerted to the real-life nightmare unfolding outside her door until she came face to face with it.

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Justice denied:


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Murder and Justice: The CPJ Impunity Newsletter March 2017

In nine out of 10 murders of journalists worldwide, the killers escape justice; join the fight to end impunity! #noimpunity #endimpunity #speakjusticenow

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