
2002 results

Attacks on the Press 2005: Table of Contents

Preface By Paul E.Steiger Introduction By Ann Cooper AFRICA ANALYSIS Lessons in Democracy and the Press By Julia CrawfordVersion française  AMERICAS ANALYSIS All the News That Can’t Be Printed By Carlos Lauría  Versión en español ASIA ANALYSIS As Radio Grows More Powerful, Challenges EmergeBy Abi Wright EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA ANALYSIS: Free Expression Takes a…

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Attacks on the Press 2005: Countries That Have Jailed Journalists (Follow Links for More Details)

AFGHANISTAN: 1 Ali Mohaqqiq Nasab, Haqooq-i-Zan (Women’s Rights) Imprisoned: October 1, 2005 The attorney general ordered editor Nasab’s arrest on blasphemy charges after the religious adviser to President Hamid Karzai, Mohaiuddin Baluch, filed a complaint about his magazine. “I took the two magazines and spoke to the Supreme Court chief, who wrote to the attorney…

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Attacks on the Press 2005: Middle East Analysis

In the Crosshairs, Journalists Face New Threat By Joel Campagna The bomb that ripped through Samir Qassir’s white Alfa Romeo on June 2, 2005, silenced Lebanon’s most fearless journalist. For years, Qassir’s outspoken columns in the daily Al-Nahar took on the Syrian government and its Lebanese allies when few reporters dared do so. The assassination sent shockwaves…

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Attacks on the Press 2005: Chad

CHAD President Idriss Déby’s government jailed several journalists and closed a community radio station in an unprecedented assault on the media. Equally unprecedented was the response of journalists, who organized protests, a one-week newspaper strike, and a blackout of all radio news bulletins. The protests, together with international pressure, kept the spotlight on the imprisoned…

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Cpj Urges Internet Companies to Put Principles Before Profits in Chinaread the Full Text of Cooper’s Testimony.CPJ urges Internet companies to put principles before profits in China

New York, February 14, 2006 —The Committee to Protect Journalists has told a U.S. Congressional committee that Western Internet companies should use the leverage afforded them by superior technology and market dominance to resist demands made by governments such as China seeking to censor information or identify and persecute those who exercise their right to…

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Danish newspaper receives bomb threat for cartoons of Muhammad

Editor’s note: The original text of this alert has been changed to locate the headquarters of the daily Jyllands-Posten in Viby instead of Copenhagen New York, February 1, 2006—The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned by a bomb threat against the Viby-based Danish daily Jyllands-Posten in retaliation for publishing cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad. International…

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CPJ Update

CPJ UpdateThe Committee to Protect JournalistsJanuary 13, 2006

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Bomb damages office of popular daily newspaper

New York, December 19, 2005—An explosion on Sunday evening damaged the Tirana headquarters of Shekulli, Albania’s most popular independent daily, but staff members escaped injury, according to international press reports. Editor-in-Chief Robert Rakipllari said 15 staff members were working when the bomb exploded outside the newspaper building, The Associated Press reported. No one immediately claimed…

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CPJ mourns devastating plane crash

New York, December 6, 2005—The Committee to Protect Journalists is shocked and saddened by the crash today of an Iranian military plane that claimed the lives of more than 100 people, mostly journalists. An Iranian C-130 military transport plane crashed into a Tehran apartment building, killing its 10 person crew and all 84 passengers, who…

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Radio director freed but faces expulsion from country

New York, November 30, 2005—Chadian authorities freed community radio director Tchanguis Vatankah on Tuesday after improperly holding the journalist in detention for more than two months. Vatankah, whose station is known for critical reporting and commentary, still faces a government expulsion order and has been ordered not to speak to the press, according to Evariste…

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