Algeria / Middle East & North Africa


CPJ Calls on Algeria to Locate Two ‘Disappeared’ Journalists Appeal Marks Fourth Anniversary of Djamel Eddine Fahassi’s Abduction

May 6, 1999 His Excellency Abdelaziz Bouteflika President of the Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria c/o His Excellency Ambassador Lamamra Remtane Embassy of Algeria 2118 Kalorama Rd., N.W. Washington, DC 20008 Your Excellency, The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), a non-governmental organization of journalists devoted to upholding press freedom worldwide, writes to you about…

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Quatre ans aprés l’enlévement du journaliste algérien Djamel Eddine Fahassi, le CPJ appelle le gouvernement algérien é retrouver deux journalistes “disparus”

New York, N.Y., 6 Mai 1999-Le Comité pour la protection des journalistes (CPJ-Committee to Protect Journalists) a appelé, aujourd’hui, le gouvernement algérien á retrouver et á assurer la securité de Djamel Eddine Fahassi et Aziz Bouabdallah, deux journalistes algériens enlevés, selon toute vraisemblance par des agents de securité de l’Etat, respectivement en 1995 et 1997.…

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118 Journalists Imprisoned in 25 Countries

Washington, D.C., March 25 — The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) reported today in its annual worldwide study of press freedom that at least 118 journalists were in prison in 25 countries at the end of 1998, and 24 journalists in 17 countries were murdered during the year in reprisal for their reporting.

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58 Journalists Murdered in Algeria Since 1993

Updated January 1, 1999Tahar Djaout, Ruptures, May 26, 1993Rabah Zenati, Algerian State Television (ENTV), August 3, 1993Abdelhamid Benmeni, Algérie-Actualité, August 9, 1993Saad Bakhtaoui, El-Minbar, September 9, 1993Abderrahmane Chergou, PAGS party paper, September 28, 1993

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CPJ and the World

Dangerous Assignments

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Enemies of the Press: The 10 Worst Offenders of 1997

On May 3, in conjunction with World Press Freedom Day, CPJ announced its annual choices of the top 10 Enemies of the Press worldwide. Those who made the list this year, as in the past, earned the dubious distinction by exhibiting particular zeal for the ruthless suppression of journalists. For the second consecutive year, the…

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Enemies of the Press 1997

The 10 Worst Offenders of 1997

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CPJ Names Ten Worst “Enemies of the Press” on World Press Freedom Day, May 3

NEW YORK –The leaders of China, Nigeria, and Turkey are among 10 world figures identified by the U.S. based Committee to Protect Journalists as “Enemies of the Press.” All are responsible for brutal campaigns against journalists and press freedom, as documented by CPJ in its ongoing monitoring of press freedom violations worldwide. The Enemies of…

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More journalists jailed than ever

CPJ’s 1995 report surveys 101 countries The bullet-ridden wall pictured on the cover is a detail from a photograph taken in Somalia by American photojournalist Dan Eldon of Reuters. Eldon, Associated Press photojournalist Hansi Krauss, and Reuter colleagues Hosea Maina and Anthony Macharia were murdered in July 1993 by a Somali crowd angered by the…

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Around the world: A regional look at the state of press freedom in 1995

Africa For the third consecutive year, Ethiopia held more journalists in jail–31 at year’s end–than any other country in Africa. Most were detained without charges.

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