Middle East & North Africa


An Internet user checks a Twitter account in Saudi Arabia, where a journalist faces legal action after writing about the Prophet Mohammed on Twitter. (AFP/Fayed Nureldine)

Saudi columnist deported from Malaysia

New York, February 13, 2012–Saudi columnist Hamza Kashgari, whose Twitter postings about the Prophet Mohammed have drawn death threats and government reprisals, was deported from Malaysia back to his home country on Sunday, according to news reports. 

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Journalists from Al-Wasat newspaper leave a Bahraini court after being fined US$2,650 each for publishing false news. (Reuters/Hamad I Mohammed)

A year of repression: Bahrain continues crackdown on press

In the year since peaceful protests began in Bahrain on February 14, 2011, the government has targeted the press corps with assault, detention, harassment, and torture to obstruct their coverage. My organization, the Gulf Centre for Human Rights, has documented a systematic campaign by authorities to silence coverage of our country’s unrest. Here are just…

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Ludovici, Alwi, and Mackell have been detained on suspicion of bribing Egyptians to stage protests. (AFP)

Australian journalist, translator detained in Egypt

New York, February 13, 2012–Egyptian authorities should immediately release detained Australian journalist Austin Mackell, his translator, and an American student traveling with them, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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Saudi Arabian columnist under threat for Twitter posts

New York, February 9, 2012–The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns death threats and a publishing ban against columnist Hamza Kashgari for comments he posted on Twitter addressing the prophet Mohammed.

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Yemeni protesters demonstrate in the capital Sana'a Thursday demanding active participation in the early presidential elections to be held this month. (AFP/Mohammed Huwais)

Yemeni newspaper office under siege

New York, February 9, 2012–The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Yemeni authorities to end an ongoing siege at the offices of a daily newspaper and ensure the protection of journalists and their equipment. Armed men last week surrounded the offices of two Yemeni newspapers, one of which remains under attack, according to news reports.

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Bahrain should grant entry to journalists

New York, February 9, 2012–Bahrain has rejected at least six journalists’ applications for entry visas ahead of the anniversary of antigovernment protests that swept the country in February 2011, according to news reports. The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on authorities to allow journalists into the country to carry out their work freely.

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Journalist Mazhar Tayyara, also known as "Omar the Syrian," was killed early on February 4. (AFP/Youtube)

Syrian journalist killed in Homs

New York, February 8, 2012–The Committee to Protect Journalists mourns the death of Syrian journalist Mazhar Tayyara, a stringer for Agence France-Presse and other international outlets, who was killed by government forces’ fire in the city of Homs early Saturday morning.

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At least 10 journalists have been attacked during protests in the Egyptian city of Suez over four days. (AFP/STR)

Journalists attacked, threatened in Suez protests

New York, February 8, 2012–Journalists covering political unrest in the Egyptian port city of Suez have been subjected to at least 10 attacks over a four-day period, according to news reports. One journalist was chased, fired upon, and threatened in four separate incidents, CPJ research shows.

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An Egyptian protester throws back a gas canister during clashes with security forces in Cairo this weekend, in which at least two journalists were attacked. (Reuters/Mohammed Salem)

In Egypt, two journalists attacked, one detained

New York, February 6, 2012–The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns official attacks on journalists covering political unrest in Egypt this weekend. At least two journalists were shot by security forces in the past three days, and a third journalist was assaulted in police custody, according to news reports.

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Tunisian court should drop prison term given to journalist

New York, February 6, 2012–A Tunisian appeals court should throw out the prison sentence against journalist Abdel Aziz al-Jaridi at a February 10 hearing and authorities should use his case as an opportunity to break from the repressive practices of Zine El Abidine Ben Ali’s era, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. 

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