Europe & Central Asia


Turkish Journalists Rally as Ragip Duran Begins Prison Term

Dangerous Assignments

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1998 Press Freedom Awards – Announcement

The CPJ International Press Freedom Awards honor journalists who have courageously provided independent news coverage and viewpoints in the face of arrest, imprisonment, violence against them and their families, and threats of death. The following five journalists will receive the 1998 CPJ International Press Freedom Awards from the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) in ceremonies…

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The Campaign to Free Imprisoned Turkish Journalists

An intensive, nearly year-long effort by the Committee to Protect Journalists to gain the release of imprisoned CPJ International Press Freedom Award winner Ocak Isik Yurtçu, a prominent Turkish editor, and other imprisoned Turkish journalists resulted in an amnesty law, passed by Turkey’s parliament, that freed six newspaper editors, including Yurtçu.

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The Campaign to Free Imprisoned Turkish Journalists

An intensive, nearly year-long effort by the Committee to Protect Journalists to gain the release of imprisoned CPJ International Press Freedom Award winner Ocak Isik Yurtçu, a prominent Turkish editor, and other imprisoned Turkish journalists resulted in an amnesty law, passed by Turkey’s parliament, that freed six newspaper editors, including Yurtçu.

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The Campaign to Free Imprisoned Turkish Journalists

An intensive, nearly year-long effort by the Committee to Protect Journalists to gain the release of imprisoned CPJ International Press Freedom Award winner Ocak Isik Yurtçu, a prominent Turkish editor, and other imprisoned Turkish journalists resulted in an amnesty law, passed by Turkey’s parliament, that freed six newspaper editors, including Yurtçu.

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The Campaign to Free Imprisoned Turkish Journalists

An intensive, nearly year-long effort by the Committee to Protect Journalists to gain the release of imprisoned CPJ International Press Freedom Award winner Ocak Isik Yurtçu, a prominent Turkish editor, and other imprisoned Turkish journalists resulted in an amnesty law, passed by Turkey’s parliament, that freed six newspaper editors, including Yurtçu.

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Columns by Terry Anderson

Journalists Release Is Good News For Turkey Press Freedom Is Essential In Turkey Turkey Must Allow Freedom of Press Journalists Release Is Good News For Turkey

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Ocak Isik Yurtçu

Ocak Isik Yurtçu had little to celebrate last July 24, Journalists Day in Turkey. “Nobody in the world has been sentenced to so many years in prison for articles others have written,” he said from his jail cell in an interview with the daily Yeni Yuzyil. Yurtçu, former editor in chief of the now-defunct daily…

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Editorials on Turkey in U.S. Press

The Washington Post — Turkey’s Press: Turkey’s Kurds The New York Times: Turkey, Jailer of Journalists The Philadelphia Inquirer: Free speech under fire Turkey leads the world in jailing journalists

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Campaign Overview

The Committee to Protect Journalists sent an emergency mission to Turkey in July 1997 to press for the release of imprisoned Turkish journalists. CPJ Vice Chairman Terry Anderson led the delegation to support Turkish journalists’ growing condemnation of press freedom violations in their country.

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