Muawiya Abdel Razek

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Soldiers with the Sudanese paramilitary group Rapid Support Forces (RSF) raided Abdel Razek’s home in the el-Dorshab neighborhood north of the capital, Khartoum, on June 4, 2024, and shot him dead, along with three of his family members, according to news reports, a local journalist following the case who talked with CPJ on the condition of anonymity out of fear of reprisal, and a Facebook statement posted by the local trade union Sudanese Journalists Syndicate.

Abdel Razek is an investigative journalist who worked with many local newspapers including Al-Jarifa, Akhir Lahza, and Al-Akhbar.

The syndicate, which called Abdel Razek’s death an “assassination” in their statement, said the killings were related to Abdel Razek’s long career in journalism, citing that in December 2023, Abdel Razak was detained by the RSF for three days after he was accused of working with military intelligence.

CPJ’s emails to the RSF about Abdel Razek’s killing received no replies.