

Syed Saleem Shahzad, right, with Pakistani journalist Qamar Yousafzai at the Afghan border in 2006 after being released by the Taliban. (AP)

How can Pakistani journalists protect themselves?

The memorial service in Washington for journalist Saleem Shahzad–who was killed around May 29–was held at the National Press Club this past Monday. Anwar Iqbal, dean of the Pakistani press corps in Washington, led the ceremony. Ambassador to the U.S. Hussain Haqqani spoke eloquently about the degree of loss brought by Shahzad’s brutal killing. While…

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The silencing crime: Sexual violence and journalists

Few cases of sexual assault against journalists have ever been documented, a product of powerful cultural and professional stigmas. But now dozens of journalists are coming forward to say they have been sexually abused in the course of their work. A CPJ special report by Lauren Wolfe

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Audio Report: The Silencing Crime

Journalists around the world are talking more candidly about sexual abuse they’ve experienced on the job. CPJ Senior Editor Lauren Wolfe, author of the special report, “The Silencing Crime,”  describes her findings in this podcast. Listen on the player above, or right click here to download an MP3. (2:05) Read CPJ’s special report, “The Silencing…

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Justice for Saleem Shahzad? We’ve seen this before…

An important distinction is emerging in the murder of Saleem Shahzad, at left, as details of a second post-mortem were released Thursday. Shahzad was not tortured as has been widely reported. He was more likely beaten to death fairly quickly, apparently with iron rods, according to media reports. Here’s the highly respected Amir Mir, writing…

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Rising anger amid accusations about who killed Shahzad

Just a few pointers to the angry discussion that is going on among Pakistan’s journalists about the killing of Saleem Shahzad. The Inter Services Intelligence Directorate (ISI) seems to have emerged as the prime target of accusation, but it has rejected claims of any involvement.In an Associated Press of Pakistan article Tuesday slugged “Salim Shahzad…

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CPJ presses Pakistan to uphold impunity pledge

Dear President Zardari: I am sure you are just as horrified and concerned as I am about the deaths of journalists Saleem Shahzad on Sunday evening outside of Islamabad and Nasrullah Afridi in Peshawar on May 10.

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Getting Away With Murder

CPJ’s 2011 Impunity Index spotlights countrieswhere journalists are slain and killers go free

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Syed Saleem Shahzad, right, with Pakistani journalist Qamar Yousafzai at the Afghan border in 2006. The two had been detained for several days by the Taliban. (AP/ Shah Khalid)

Prominent journalist dies in targeted killing in Pakistan

New York, May 31, 2011–The Committee to Protect Journalists is alarmed and angered by the targeted killing of senior Pakistani journalist Saleem Shahzad, the Pakistan bureau chief of the Asia Times online website. Shahzad, considered an expert on Al-Qaeda and Taliban militants, disappeared on Sunday night as he was on his way to participate in…

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A friend remembers Saleem Shahzad

When I received an unexpected call early Monday morning from Saleem Shahzad’s wife, I knew I was in for some bad news.”Saleem has not come home since Sunday evening, when he was on his way to a television studio,” she said. She told me that she then remained as composed as possible until she received…

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Sethi at CPJ offices earlier this year. (CPJ/Sheryl A. Mendez)

Sethi: Pakistani media challenging military

Pakistani journalist Najam Sethi was in the United States last week to talk about the challenges facing his country at a critical moment. Ever the contrarian, he also sees opportunities. “For the first time the media is challenging the military,” he told an audience of friends and colleagues at CPJ offices in New York. “That’s…

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