Venezuela / Americas


Police attack TV reporter covering student protest

MAY 28, 2007 Posted June 7, 2007 Anuska Buenaluque, América TV ATTACKED Buenaluque, Caracas correspondent for the weekly news program “Cuarto Poder” on the Limaóbased América TV, was shot at least 25 times with rubber bullets while covering a student protest against the closure of the Venezuelan television station Radio Caracas Televisión (RCTV), according to…

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CPJ urges Chávez to allow RCTV to stay on the air

Mr. President: The Committee to Protect Journalists is writing to express serious concern about Venezuela’s commitment to free expression in the wake of your government’s unprecedented decision not to renew the broadcast concession of the country’s oldest private television station, RCTV, which expires Sunday.

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CPJ’s Recommendations

CPJ calls on the Venezuelan government to implement the following recommendations:

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CPJ Update

May 2007 News from the Committee to Protect Journalists

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Reporter detained while covering protest

APRIL 24, 2007 Posted April 30, 2007 Gina Reyes Demeis, El Carabobeño HARASSED Reyes, Aragua correspondent for the Valencia-based daily El Carabobeño, was detained by members the Venezuelan National Guard while she was covering a protest in the central Aragua province, according to Venezuelan press reports.

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Static in Venezuela

The Chavez administration pulls a broadcast license as it asserts media muscle

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CPJ’s Recommendations

CPJ calls on the Venezuelan government to implement the following recommendations:

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Static in Venezuela: The backstory by CPJ’s Carlos Lauría

Audio slideshow

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About this Report

To examine press conditions in Venezuela, a joint delegation from CPJ and the Peru-based Instituto Prensa y Sociedad (IPYS) visited Caracas from January 7 to 13. The CPJ-IPYS delegation met with members of private and state-owned media, government officials, media executives, press freedom advocates, lawyers, and scholars during its weeklong mission.

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CPJ Update

April 2007 News from the Committee to Protect Journalists

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