Ecuador / Americas

Police and Correa supporters outside court. (AP/Dolores Ochoa)

El Universo verdict bad precedent for free press in Americas

New York, February 16, 2012–Today’s decision by Ecuador’s highest court to uphold the criminal libel conviction brought by President Rafael Correa against El Universo represents a serious blow to freedom of expression and a setback for democracy, the Committee to Protect Journalists said. 

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El Universo verdict devastating to Ecuador’s democracy

New York, February 16, 2012–The Committee to Protect Journalists is outraged that Ecuador’s highest court upheld today a libel conviction brought by President Rafael Correa against the Guayaquil-based daily El Universo. 

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Ecuadoran journalists Christian Zurita (right) and Juan Carlos Calderón have been ordered to pay President Correa US$1 million each in damages for defamation. (AFP/Agencia Prensa Independiente)

Ecuadoran journalists ordered to pay president $2 million

New York, February 7, 2012–The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the sentence handed to two Ecuadoran journalists yesterday after they were found guilty of defaming President Rafael Correa.

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President Rafael Correa's government has passed reforms that could inhibit the ability of the press to report on elections. (Reuters/Guillermo Granja)

In Ecuador, reforms restrict election coverage for media

New York, January 31, 2012–Reforms to Ecuador’s electoral law that will take effect on February 4 could hamper the ability of the country’s journalists to cover political campaigns and elections, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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Insulza must repudiate attacks against IACHR

Dear Mr. Insulza: The Committee to Protect Journalists has been monitoring with increasing concern an offensive launched by the government of Ecuador aimed at weakening the Inter-American human rights system, an effort that if successful could represent a serious blow to freedom of expression in the hemisphere.

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The president's defamation case could severely damage free expression in Ecuador. (Reuters/Guillermo Granja)

In Ecuador, defamation case could set dangerous precedent

A controversial 2011 defamation verdict against the leading Ecuadoran daily El Universo, which became a symbol of vastly deteriorating press conditions under President Rafael Correa, appears headed to a final determination. The nation’s highest court is due to hear the newspaper’s appeal, although the hearing date itself is still subject to intense debate. The ramifications…

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Ecuadoran media executive sentenced to jail

New York, December 28, 2011–The director of the Quito-based daily Hoy has been convicted on charges of criminal libel for articles depicting the political influence of an Ecuadoran banking official who is a relative of President Rafael Correa, news reports said.

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Ecuadoran journalist sentenced to prison

New York, November 28, 2011–The Committee to Protect Journalists is dismayed by reports that an Ecuadoran journalist was sentenced to a six-month prison term after being found guilty of criminal defamation.

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CPJ to hold Ecuadoran authorities accountable for threats

New York, November 11, 2011–The Committee to Protect Journalists is alarmed by reported death threats against César Ricaurte, head of the Ecuadoran press freedom group Fundamedios, which follow a concerted campaign by local authorities to discredit the group and foster a climate of intimidation against independent media and local press freedom activists.

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President Correa is not a criminal (but he is intolerant)

In a truly bizarre exchange that took place at Columbia University Friday, Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa responded to a question from CPJ’s Senior Program Coordinator Carlos Lauría by calling him a liar.

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