


Zimbabwe media defense lawyer arrested

New York, May 14, 2009–Police in Zimbabwe should immediately release Alec Muchadehama, left, a prominent human rights lawyer targeted for his work on behalf of journalist Anderson Shadreck Manyere and others, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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In Republic of Congo, another mysterious fire

A mysterious fire in Republic of Congo this week destroyed property belonging to President Denis Sassou Nguesso. The origin of the fire was not officially determined, recalling a similar murky blaze in January, which led to the death of journalist Bruno Ossébi.

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Congolese governor urged to ensure journalist’s safety

Dear Governor Kahongya: We are concerned about the safety of journalist Tuver Wundi Muhindo following an armed attack on his home in the North Kivu capital of Goma on April 12. The incident followed the 2007 murder of Goma photojournalist Patrick Kikuku Wilingula, which is still unsolved. We call on you to use your influence to ensure authorities conduct a thorough and transparent investigation and bring the perpetrators to justice.

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A French lawsuit challenges the assets of Equatorial Guinean President Teodoro Obiang, Congolese President Denis Sassou Nguesso, and Gabonese President Omar Bongo. (AFP)

Ossébi’s byline missing as sensitive case moves forward

A French judge on Tuesday authorized an anti-corruption group to pursue a complaint that questions how the leaders of three oil-rich, central African nations amassed their personal assets. One byline was absent in news media coverage: Bruno Ossébi, an online Congolese columnist and one of the few local journalists who had covered the sensitive issue.…

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NABJ honors persecuted Zimbabwean journalist

On Thursday, the U.S.-based National Association of Black Journalists announced the winner of its 2009 Percy Qoboza Foreign Journalists Award: Zimbabwean journalist Anderson Shadreck Manyere. Half a world away, however, Manyere, left, lingered in a hospital in the capital, Harare, traumatized by nearly four months of imprisonment, according to his lawyer.

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10 Worst Countries to be a Blogger

CPJ names the worst online oppressors. Booming online cultures in many Asian and Middle Eastern nations have led to aggressive government repression. Burma leads the dishonor roll.

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Congolese government reacts to CPJ report

The government of the Republic of Congo reacted over the weekend to last week’s CPJ special report looking into the unsolved death of Franco-Congolese online journalist Bruno Jacquet Ossébi. We welcome the government’s interest in the case and take note that an official spokesman did not dispute our findings. 

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Six senators call for Ebrima Manneh’s immediate release

Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) leads a group of six senators to call for the immediate release of the former state Daily Observer newspaper, “Chief” Ebrima Manneh today. Colleagues at the newspaper say they witnessed two plainclothes Gambian National Intelligence Agency officers whisk Manneh, right, away in July 2006. He has not been seen since despite repeated calls…

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Republic of Congo Special Report: From a Fatal Fire, Many Questions

Bruno Jacquet Ossébi, a Franco-Congolese journalist known for outspoken coverage of government corruption in the Republic of Congo, dies after a mysterious fire burns down his house. By Mohamed Keita with reporting by Sarah Turbeaux

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Republic of Congo Audio Report: From a Fatal Fire, Many Questions

In our special report, “From a Fatal Fire, Many Questions,” CPJ’s Mohamed Keita and Sarah Turbeaux examine the mysterious death of Bruno Jacquet Ossébi, a Franco-Congolese journalist. Here, Keita describes a sensitive lawsuit against three African leaders that Ossébi had covered in his writings. Listen to the mp3 on the player above, or right click here…

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