
75 results arranged by date

Olympics: China banishes iTunes

The Apple iTunes store Web site and all 8 million or so of its songs, (“Imagine an entertainment superstore that’s open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week” the site urges) are not available in China and haven’t been for more than a week. Not a great loss for iTunes in the very short…

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News Wrap for 8/22/08

The Philadelphia Daily News has a story this morning about two video bloggers arrested by police in Beijing this week. The New York Times also has coverage of the arrests, along with  details about overall press harassment during the Games. CPJ issued an alert on Thursday, protesting both the detentions and the harassment of two…

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CPJ: Chinese police should halt obstruction of photographers

Hong Kong, August 22, 2008—Chinese police should halt ongoing harassment of photographers seeking to document pro-Tibet protests in Beijing, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today in the wake of reports that two video bloggers have been detained and two Associated Press journalists obstructed. Video bloggers Brian Conley and Jeff Rae were detained early Tuesday…

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Olympics: 21 edicts on coverage

About a week ago I mentioned a South China Morning Post article, “Screws tighten on mainland journalists” that outlined a 21-point memo that had come down from the Central Propaganda Department in July, giving guidelines for China’s media coverage during the Olympics. These sorts of directives are typically disseminated across the country, to editors at…

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With Games nearing end, RFA Tibet service reporter still denied visa

Hong Kong, August 20, 2008–Despite appeals from his employer and questions from the International Olympic Committee, Chinese authorities have continued to bar Radio Free Asia reporter Dhondup Gonsar from traveling to Beijing to cover the Games. Gonsar, an American citizen of Tibetan ethnicity, was one of two journalists for the U.S. government-funded broadcaster whose applications…

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News Wrap for 8/20/08

China returns to the forefront this morning as the Olympic Games are nearing an end. The Associated Press has a story about human rights groups’ frustration at the lack of outcry, along with protests against myriad rights abuses. The story quotes CPJ’s Asia program coordinator, Bob Dietz, who is working out of Hong Kong. “In…

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CPJ concerned online curbs still restrict Olympic journalists

New York, August 19, 2008—Research published today by OpenNet Initiative says that more than 50 Web sites related to news, human rights, and pro-Tibet groups were blocked in Beijing and in the Olympics’ Main Press Center as the Games were about to begin. Those sites included the Web site of the Committee to Protect Journalists,…

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CPJ concerned online curbs still restrict Olympic journalists

New York, August 19, 2008—Research published today by OpenNet Initiative says that more than 50 Web sites related to news, human rights, and pro-Tibet groups were blocked in Beijing and in the Olympics’ Main Press Center as the Games were about to begin. Those sites included the Web site of the Committee to Protect Journalists,…

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ITN journalist, covering demonstrators in Beijing, is roughed up

Hong Kong, August 14, 2008–John Ray, a reporter for British television ITN, was detained and roughed up by police while covering a pro-Tibet student demonstration in Beijing on Wednesday. Ray said he was dragged into a nearby restaurant and forcibly held down by police, ITN reported.

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ITN’s John Ray detained in China

British journalist John Ray speaks about his arrest by Chinese officials while covering a protest  for a free Tibet in Beijing. Also, for additional video footage of Ray being arrested by Chinese officials, visit the BBC Web site.

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