
3 results arranged by date

Haruna Mohammed Salisu and Yawale Adamu

WikkiTimes publisher, reporter face criminal charges over reporting on alleged corruption

Abuja, September 16, 2024—Authorities in Nigeria should discontinue criminal proceedings against journalists Haruna Mohammed Salisu and Yawale Adamu, of the privately owned WikkiTimes news site, and reform laws that criminalize the press, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Monday. “Nigerian journalists must be allowed to investigate allegations of corruption without fear of imprisonment,” said CPJ…

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Widlore Mérancourt

Haitian rum manufacturer sues AyiboPost, editor-in-chief for criminal defamation

Miami, October 6, 2023—The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned about the criminal defamation suit filed by the owner of the rum company Rhum Barbancourt against the independent news website AyiboPost and its editor-in-chief, Widlore Mérancourt, and calls on Haitian authorities to repeal the country’s punitive criminal defamation laws, the organization said Friday. On September…

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The Republic monument in Antalya, Turkey in March 2018. Turkish authorities detained for several hours on May 28 journalist Ali Ergin Demirhan on suspicion that he made "propaganda for a [terrorist] organization," according to reports. (Reuters/Murad Sezer)

Turkey Crackdown Chronicle: Week of May 28, 2018

Journalist detained Istanbul police on May 28 detained an editor for the leftist news website Sendika, Ali Ergin Demirhan, at the website’s office on suspicion of “making propaganda for a [terrorist] organization,” in relation to the journalist’s work, his employer reported.

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